She was called "white"

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This was my first ever encounter with the other entities. It happened during my first-year high school stint. Allow me to let you visualize how our hallway looked like.

The first year hallway was located on the third floor. There were three classrooms. At the end of the hallway is an empty area that we usually used for dance/music practice. Beside that area are the stairs that will lead you to the dormitory where the Varsities stayed. I belonged to the middle section so our classroom was in the middle.

One night, our group were assigned as the classroom cleaners. It was around 6 PM. We were 5 in the group. I needed to go and see my Filipino Student-Teacher as I had to submit my project. I asked one of my classmates to accompany me. The Student Teachers' room was on the second floor at the end of the hallway, so I had to take the stairs. The lights were already off and the only light that's open was the one in our room. As we were walking towards the end of the hallway of the third floor, I felt a cold breeze that touched my left arm. It's like there was someone holding my arm. I felt bizarre but I opted not to pay attention to it. Although I felt it until we got back to our classroom.

Then my classmate Rhona asked me where Arianne is. (Arianne was also one of my classmates). I told her we were never with Arianne. I told her I only went down with Ian (also one of my classmates). Then Arianne suddenly showed up, so we asked her where she went. She said she came from the loo. The loo was located at the other end of the hallway. It was definitely not the same direction as to where we went. So Rhona was surprised and said that she saw another girl holding my arm while we were on our way to the second floor. She thought Arianne was the other girl. She said she definitely saw three people heading downstairs. We wrapped up cleaning the room and ran as fast as we could.

The next morning, we told our Teacher what happened last night. She then told us that it was "Puti" ("White"). She was a former student who was murdered and raped by one of the Janitors during their school year. My Teacher said it happened more than 10 years ago but still shows up as The White Lady every 6 PM. We bowed our heads for a minute and offered a prayer for her.


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