Abducted by Elemental Entity

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So here's my story. This story was shared by our previous nanny, Jen. She was only 19 (she's already in 20 now). This story is about her sister. Let's call her May. May was said to be abducted by some elemental entities near their place. Jen is originally from Samar (here in the Philippine, Samar is known for elemental entities living in this place so as witches, shaman and something's like that). Her family is still living there except for her older brother who already has a wife and a family living here in manila. According to Jen, May was beautiful or should I say gorgeous. Though they are all tan in complexion, May was the only white and she even looked like the Sto. Niño with curly brownish hair. Gorgeous as Jen described her.

Jen was only about 11 years old when she and the rest of her siblings were playing hide and seek outside their house and some places behind the trees. When night fell she and all of her siblings went back to their house except for May. Their mother got worried and thinking that May was still hiding behind the trees, Jen together with some of her siblings went out to look for her since she was also very worried about her younger sister. Hours passed but May was nowhere to be found. Their mother started to call out for their neighbors and asked for help in looking for her young daughter. She was eventually found by a neighbor, her foot was stuck inside a huge tree (I mean huge tree) in the forest. According to her she was invited by a lady into the tree. Her mother got worried even more.

Midnight came the whole family were sound asleep when they heard May crying. Their mother switched on the light and cried with what she saw. May's back was elevated from their bed while the rest or her body was still lying. May vomited and even turned to violet. Their mother called a witch doctor and started a ritual. The witch doctor said that an elemental entity in the tree was really fond of her and she wanted May to come with her. The witch doctor could do nothing but some rituals to save May. About 3 or 4 in the morning May died. She wasn't able to hold on because of the pain.

During her wake, Their Grandmother was staring at the huge tree with tears falling from her eyes. She then suddenly said "You were wrong". They were all puzzled. "You shouldn't have embalmed her body. She was still ALIVE and was only out of her body. The lady took her for a while and May would have returned into her body".

They all cried with what they heard. When the grandmother was asked how she knew that, she said that May was behind the huge tree, smiling with the tears falling from her eyes.

Source: https://www.yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story.php?story=10424

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