What A Practical Joker He Must Have Been

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y husband and his friends were having fun playing billiards (and a little drinking on the side) at the country club that night. It was very late, around 2:30am, and they suddenly came up with a silly idea that they would walk around the club and go ghost hunting. I told them that these things are not to be taken lightly. In spite my objections; they went off, all 8 of them, my husband included.

Not a mere 30 seconds later, they come running back into the billiard hall! Most of them were nervously laughing as they told me what happened. Turns out, as soon as they walked out the hall, they heard someone or something hit the metal roof right above their heads. When they looked at that direction, 2 mangoes fell right in front of them. The thing is that the mango tree was a good distance from the roof and the only way for it to reach the roof was if someone threw it there. But that's not the last of it.

Just as they had finished telling their story, I glanced at the billiard hall's entrance (which is made of metal and glass). Through the glass door, I saw an old man with light grey hair laughing his heart out! He was wearing white trousers and a white shirt. I didn't pay attention at the time and looked back at the guys. It was then that I saw Paul (my husband's friend), his mouth agape, staring & pointing at the door! He saw the old man too! He immediately ran towards the door to see where the old man went. There was nobody outside.

I was freaked out but I was also curious at who the old man was. A couple of weeks later, by then the news of my 'sighting' has spread all over the club, and one of our friends, Matt, approached me to confirm it. I told him that it was true and even went as far as describing to him how the old man looked like. He then pulled out his cell phone and showed me a picture. The old man I saw was Matt's dad who had passed years before I met Matt. He died of a heart attack and was, in fact, a known practical joker among his family and friends.

Source: https://www.yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story.php?story=6182

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