Chapter 2

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((I'm going to be completely honest-- I have no idea why I stopped at sandwhich time last time, I just- wanted to? Sorry))

Logan sat there thinking of the possible responses Virgil and Patton could give. He unconsciously tapped his foot, catching Roman's attention as he did. "Calm down, you'll get to ask eventually. The time for food is now" he said, placing two sandwiches in front of him.

"Thank you Roman, but honestly. I would have gotten food for myself when I finished considering I was finishing up taking notes and experimenting when you entered so around this time I would have gotten out myself to get food." Logan said, taking a bite of out his sandwich "But you didn't, Logan, you shouldn't go so long without food that's bad for your health" Roman reminded him, knowing Logan knew these things. "Yes, Roman. I am very aware of how lack of consumables effects the body along with a lack of sleep, but I did not trust leaving my experiments by themselves as I rested and ate. Beside, I was aware it would not take me longer than 72 hours so I was relatively alright with it" Logan explained, Roman still looking at him in a scolding way.

Logan and Roman sat in comfortable silence after that, Logan soon finishing his food and thanking Roman again before looking at him expectantly, wanting him to call a 'Family Meeting'

Roman sighed. "Virgil! Patton!" He called, Virgil appearing seconds later looking as if he were kissing something previously, fixing himself. "Do you mind I was busy." He said, a little upset. Logan started even though Patton was not there. "I have spent several days making a concoction of-" Virgil cut him off, "Just- cut to the chase" he said, Logan slightly frowning but doing so anyways. "I have created something I believe can keep one looking young, or at least stop their aging process however far down the line they are, but I need someone to test it and I'd like you three-" he said, motioning to Roman, Virgil, and Patton's empty spot. "-to assist me by trying it"

Virgil opened his mouth to respond when Patton appeared, fixing his tilted glasses. "Hi Ro! Hi Lo! What's going on kiddos?" He asked happily, latching onto Virgil's arm. Virgil decided to explain for Logan, not wanting him to drag it out. "He wants us to help him with an experiment by drinking something" he said, turning to Logan who nodded. "So- what're the chances of it harming us?" He asked, Logan informing him it was far under 1%

Virgil nodded, looking to Patton to see what his answer was only to see him doing the same thing. He sighed, knowing he'd probably be the deciding factor for them both. Virgil shrugged. "I guess... but I'm never listening to anything you say ever if it hurts us or Thomas" Virgil said, earning a slow nod from Logan.

Patton nodded quickly, "If Virgil's doing it so am I!" He said giving Logan a smile.

Logan looked at Roman. "Roman would you want to assist me as well?" He asked. Roman shook his head. "I wouldn't want you ruining my perfect skin~" he exaggerated, going to the point where he dipped in Logan's arms, looking like a 'damsel in distress' Logan stood him up more and pecked his lips to keep him from saying much more, quietly moving to the lab to retrieve two of the three viles he made.

While Logan was doing that Virgil grabbed Logan's Berries Crofters, despite the fact the unspoken agreement was that they were kind of only for Logan, who paused when he saw Virgil eating some, he grabbed it anyways. "If I die I want you to remember me eating Crofters before I die so you feel guilt and anxiety build in you whenever anyone mentions it." He said, staring at Logan as he slowly ate Crofters. Logan looked at him blankly. "Virgil. The chances of you dying are-" "Infinitesimal?" Patton asked, smiling.

Logan groaned, he would've hugged Roman for comfort or let Roman hug him but he was holding two viles and didnt want his science near Roman. "One mistake" he mumbled, shaking his head.

((Hey. Remember. You're a great person. Have Patrick))

((Take it easy Guys, Gals and Non-Binary Pals))

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((Take it easy Guys, Gals and Non-Binary Pals))

New rewritten version, named "Immortality"

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