Chapter 7 - Roman + Toddlers - PT 2

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Roman nodded. "We need to tell Thomas, while Baby Virgil and Patton are simply adorable, I don't think they'd be much use in videos, though the fandom would LOVE it, still, wouldn't be of much help" 'And they have a lot of fanfiction on this, most likely on this exact scenario' Roman thought, just looking at Logan and trying to ignore the author staring at them through a window they don't have but he made up anyways.

Logan nodded along, "We should bring him here. I don't think you could take care of two toddlers for long periods of time, especially considering Virgil's lack of a sleep schedule, you'd have to stay awake with him and I'm positive Patton would wake you up only shortly after" he said, making Roman think. "But Thomas can't stay here in a room without the effects, we need to take him somewhere neutral."

"My room, or the mind palace are neutral areas" Logan said, making Roman nod, "You go tell Thomas, I'm going to the mind palace" he said, Roman picked up the sleeping Patton and held both him and Virgil tight, disappearing to it while Logan appeared next to Thomas in the real world.


Roman brought the two to the mind palace, sitting them down as he figured out how to try and turn this into a nursery.

As Logan was explaining to Thomas what had happened and everything, Thomas's anxiety seemed to heighten, making Baby Virgil burst into tears and start to panic himself.

Roman immidiately picked Virgil back up, trying to comfort him.

Virgil's volume finally woke Patton up. Patton panicked and looked at Virgil, "Smoll?" Then at Roman, "Toll??" And finally at his hands, "sMoLL?!" He whined and started crying too, leaving Roman with two crying toddlers.

Roman sighed trying to calm them, Patton would calm, but would start back up because of Virgil's crying, which never seemed to stop.


Eventually, after a good Ten minutes, Logan came into the mind palace with Thomas, who offered to help Roman with the toddlers while he could.

Once again, 'Meanie' echoed through the mindscape as Virgil scream-cried it at Logan, being extremely upset about being in this form.

Logan looked down a bit at it, and decided to leave to go work on the antidote, wishing them a goodbye. Roman felt a little guilty for not being able to help Logan, mostly because two toddlers were crying in his arms.

Patton was a normal kid, crying loudly yes, but like a normal kid.
Virgil was scream-crying bloody murder and just upsetting Patton with this.

Logince + Moxiety [REWRITTEN VERSION: "IMMORTALITY"]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora