Chapter 8

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((Sorry for taking sooooooooooo long))

Thomas whined at the volume difference, not expecting Virgil to be so loud other than when he was anxiou- oh. Well he could be crying from anxiety at this moment.

He continued crying as Patton eventually stopped, "Vi-Virj-" he got slightly upset, seeing he wasnt going to be able to pronounce his name. "Wain Cwoud" (Rain Cloud) he said, trying to help calm Virgil, and it did, the pet name calming him a bit.

Thomas went and rubbed his back, trying to help the calming process. He figured if Logan was 'meanie' at the moment, Patton would be the next he'd turn to, so he didn't dare to separate them. Especially if he thought it would make Virgil cry louder.

He asked Roman how long they'd been like this. "About half an hour" Roman replied, watching Virgil calm down. "So, why is Logan 'meanie' right now?" Thomas asked, looking at Roman. Roman sighed and shook his head, "Meanie" Virgil mumbled before Roman could even open his mouth.

Patton smiled, "wub you" he said, rubbing his cheek against Virgil's as Roman spoke, "I'm not sure how much they understand, but it appears he is aware Logan is the reason he's small" he said.

Virgil smiled and cuddled Patton back, rubbing his cheek against the other's, "wub you too" he said, not minding that Thomas was there- I mean he didn't really care cuz he was like 2.

Roman knew that Thomas was unaware of all of their relationships, and had no plan of exposing them, "Awww" he cooed, "Children are adorable" he said, smiling. He didn't think this was too out of character for Patton, everyone knew Virgil was his favorite.

Virgil pushed at Roman's chests, "Mine, go 'way" he said, hugging Patton protectively, who was unaware. "Waincwoud? Why you mad?" He asked, tilting his head. "Calm down" Roman said, putting him down on the couch, "I'm not trying to steal your Patton" he said.

"Your Patton?" Thomas asked, tilting his head. "Children confuse you, they're just protective" Roman said, wrapping a blanket around the two toddlers.

Roman tried to distract Thomas from questioning their relationship further, he didn't need an adult Virgil upset at him for out-ing them to their host. Wasn't something he was exactly comfortable with. "Oh, Thomas! We need to make the mindscape baby proof" Roman said, motioning to it.

Thomas was still kind of glancing at Moxiety, still 'confused' as Roman said, feeling their connection was deeper than platonic but not wanting to give Tumblr that point just yet. "What?" He asked, turning to Roman a bit later.

"Mind Palace? Baby Proof?" Riman repeated, only to hear a thud from behind, and then Virgil's oh so familiar cry.

((Happy Thanksgiving))

Logince + Moxiety [REWRITTEN VERSION: "IMMORTALITY"]Where stories live. Discover now