Inavtivity A/N

603 14 11

I've been inactive lately due to dysphoria.

You thought I was cis?
Im too Gay to be cis.
[Gay jokes arent funny. Don't make homophobic gay jokes.]

But, seriously.
I'm Trans and recently has been experiencing some dysphoria.

Also because I've been dealing with a lot of bipolar depression and anxiety lately.

They're messing with and fixing my medication intakes-

School is getting harder. 2nd Semester is coming up.

Now that my bipolar disorder is "fine" my anxiety is rising so-

Yeah. Alot of things have been happening recently, and that's why I've been inactive.

*Bipolar Disorder
*Increased Anxiety
*and a long-distance relationship-

It's just, all been a little overwhelming, but I promise I'm trying, to write the next chapters im- like half way thru Ch9. And gonna write CH10 before I post 9 so it'll take a bit.

[Also going to NY. So that's a thing too-]

But. Yeah.
That's kinda why.

I'm sorry. I havent been posting, I will soon

Bye bye

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