Chapter 9

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Virgil had fallen (and he couldn't get up) off the couch, beginning to cry, and making Patton panic a little because all he had seen was Virgil disappear from his vision, then only to hear crying after.

Roman turned away from Thomas to pick up Virgil, trying to calm him and place him back with Patton. Patton seemed to be able to calm Virgil quickly, especially in this state, so it was easier to get him to sto ppl crying and panicking, the con though was it was alot easier to upset him too. "It's alright Virge you can sit here with Patton and-" he paused, unsure of what to say, then gasped. "Watch Disney! Nightmare before Christmas?" He asked, looking at the two's reactions to this.

Virgil seemed to smile at this, more so than Patton was already making him, making a noise of agreement. "Candy" Virgil said, holding out his hands for the item. Roman sighed and gave him a bag of candy without questioning it.

"Are we going to just- feed into their demands?" Thomas questioned, "I don't know about you but I don't deny a kid with boo-boo's" Roman said softly

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