Chapter 10

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Virgil smiled at Roman's words, understanding them. He hugged Patton close. Thomas tried to sit next to them, and instead got shooed away by Virgil, being protective over Patton. "Wain Cwould, wats wrong?" Patton asked, seeing Virgil had shooed Thomas away. "My thun shine" Virgil mumbled, rubbing his cheek against Patton. "Aww! My Wain Cwould, wub you" Patton replied, kissing Virgil's cheek.

"Are they- dating?" Thimas finally asked, getting a sign and nod from Roman. "Yes but, you cant tell them when they're older, I didnt want to out them" he said to Thomas, watching the two babies cuddle and exchange kisses and words of comfort.

"Alot of questions... Sunshine and Raincloud?" Thomas asked, "Pet names, y'know?" Roman said, shrugging.

"So are you, and uh... Logan-" "Yes, we're dating." Roman replied, nodding.

"Logan in a relationship..." Thomas mumbled, finding it hard to believe.
"Yes, he isnt all robotic y'know? He has feelings too. He just struggles with them." Roman said, defending Logan.

"I know just-" Thomas explained Logan's lack to recognize his own emotions with the 'if I had the antidote, I wouldn't've told you' kinda thing.

"Oh... yes I'll talk to him about that" Roman said, apologizing for Logan's words and actions.

"So, do you and Logan have pet names for each other or?"
"To keep it PG-13, yes, mostly babe, or love, mostly just our names" Roman said, with a small smirk.

"And the...not PG-13 version?" Thomas asked, a little scared to.
"Daddy, and sometimes bitch. Slut. Those." Roman said, chucking at his host's reaction. "You asked for it" he said, looking over to the children to see that they were peacefully sleeping.

[Happy Birthday Virgil!]
[Yay! I had to get a chapter out just for him, sorry shoit's short, next one will be longer]

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