Chapter 22

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Caleb's POV

"There are cameras all throughout the building. Have you tried looking at-" Maddie starts.

"We tried," one cop says, "they were all out."

"How is that even possible?" I ask.

They shake their heads, "We're just trying to find suspects."

"Caleb," Maddie says, softly.

"Yeah?" I respond.


"Jace?" One of the cops asks, the other goes over to talk privately with the doctor.

"Yeah. Jace Cowan," Maddie tells him.

He writes it down, "And how does Jace know Bella?"

"They were romantically involved," she answers, "and a few years ago, he was mad when she left him, and was even more mad when she married Caleb."

"If he wanted to come after her for that, why didn't he do it at that time?" He asks.

"Well," Maddie crosses her arms, and looks at the floor, "Lately, he's been talking to her. She told me the other day that he even came to see her and said something about how much she hurt him and that he wanted her to hurt, too. I don't know."

"It still doesn't make sense why he would act now. But we'll find him and question him. Anyone else you can think of?"

We shake our head 'no', and he gives us a card, telling us to call if we can think of anyone or anything. We're in the car going home and I speak.

"Do you really think it was Jace?" I ask.

"I don't know. He makes a good suspect," she says.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"I mean, she turned down his proposal, remember?"

And I do remember. I'm still so confused. How or why would someone do this to her? What are we going to tell Caroline? We go inside the house, and Allison runs over to us. Caroline walks behind her.

"Where did you go?" Allison asks, and we only look at her.

"It's almost seven," Caroline says, "Where's mommy? She was supposed to be here a little while ago."

"Sweetie, you're going to spend the night here," Maddie says.

"Oh.. okay," she says softly, "I will miss mommy though!"

I look over at Maddie and see tears in her eyes. Catie puts a hand over her mouth and leaves the room, and I can tell she's about to cry.

"I know, baby," Maddie says, starting to cry.

"Mommy?" Allison asks.

"Maddie? Why are you crying?" Caroline asks.

Maddie walks up the stairs and the girls look at me with confused expressions.

"What's wrong with mommy?" Allison asks.

"Are you hungry?" I ask them, avoiding Allison's question.

"No, aunt Catie made us soup," Allison answers.

"Soup?" I ask.

"Yeah, from the can," Caroline says.

Maddie's POV

I help the girls with their baths, and they get ready for bed. Caroline came to Allison's room as I read them a story. After the story, I tucked Allison in and gave her a kiss on the head before taking Caroline's hand and walking with her to her room. She crawls into her bed, and I tuck her in before giving her a kiss on the head as well.

"Goodnight, sweetie," I tell her.

"Goodnight, Maddie. I love you."

I smile at her, "I love you, too."

I turn on the small lamp on her nightstand before going over to the door and turning the overhead light off. I open the door and start out before Caroline speaks again.

"Maddie?" She asks.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Can I use your phone to call mommy and tell her goodnight?"

My heart breaks when she asks me that. I think for a moment before going over to her.

"Okay," I say, trying not to cry.

I take my phone and dial Bella's number, but of course it goes to voicemail.

"She didn't answer," Caroline says, confused.

"No," I say, "but when you hear it beep you can leave her a message."

She sits up a little, looking down at the phone, and it takes everything in me to not start crying. Finally, it beeps, and I hold the phone a little closer.

"It is weird that you did not answer me, mommy, but I know you will get this message. I just wanted to say goodnight and I love you. I can not wait to see you soon!"

She blows a kiss into the phone, and I feel a tear go down my face. I click the 'end call' button, and wipe the stray tear.

"Goodnight, baby," I tell Caroline.

"Goodnight, Maddie," she says, and I'm thankful she didn't see me almost cry.

I go out the door, and down the hallway to mine and Caleb's room. When I go in, he's laying on the bed on his phone and I start sobbing. He looks up at me, concerned, and comes over to me.

"Baby, what's the matter?" He asks.

"My heart is so broken for Caroline," I can barely breathe.

"Calm down," he tells me.

"She wanted to call her and tell her goodnight, so I let her and she left her a voicemail."

He pulls me in and holds me tight, and I just cry into his chest. Well, sob. The last time I cried this hard was last year...

I hear the door open quietly, and I hear a sweet little voice, "Mommy?"

I pull away from Caleb and quickly wipe my eyes, "Yes?"

"Why are you crying?" Allison asks.

"I'm okay, baby," I tell her.

She comes over and hugs my legs. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her head.

"Don't be sad, mommy. Please?"

I feel my eyes water again. I don't say anything.

"Mommy's okay," Caleb tells her, "Come on, Allie, let's get you back to bed."

"Okay," she rubs her little eyes.

Ocean Eyes - Maddie Poppe and Caleb Hutchinson Series (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now