Chapter 26

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Gabby's POV

The fact that Hayley, the bitch, has escaped from prison and killed Bella and kidnapped Maddie really pisses me off and scares me at the same time. No, I didn't particularly like Bella, but now Caroline will have to live without her and Bella won't get to watch her grow up. And now, she has Maddie, and no one has any idea where she is. It was smart of Maddie to leave that piece of paper, though.

Cade took Allison and Caroline outside to play, and I go to fix them a snack. I put their snacks on a tray and take the tray outside.

"I have snacks!" I call out.

"Yum!" The girls say, running over to me. Cade walks behind them.

I set the tray down on the table on the porch.

"Aunt Gabby?" Allison says.


"Where's mommy?"

I stare at her for a moment, "She'll be home soon," I tell her.

I'm not losing hope. I believe with all of my might that Maddie is okay and will come home. I see a car passing, and I glance up at it. I see a girl driving, but she is wearing shades, so I can't make her face out. But there is something that stands out to me.

Dirty blonde hair.

Deciding not to risk anything, I go quickly to my car.

"Cade, stay with the girls please!" I call out.

"Okay?" He says, confused.

I get in and pull out onto the road quickly, speeding up so I'm close to the car. If this is Hayley, there's no way I'm letting her get away with this. I stare at the license plate and try to memorize the number. Almost an hour later, after what seems like endless driving, the car makes a right, and I follow. I start to keep a little distance so she won't know I'm following her. The car continues down the road before pulling into a long, gravel driveway. I slow down, and by the time I'm at the end of the driveway, I can't see the car anymore. I open the glove compartment and see my gun.

"Perfect," I say to myself, and take a deep breath before turning into the driveway.

Maddie's POV

I'm hoping and praying that the cops know Hayley has me. But then again, how would they find me? I think about Caleb and the girls, and remind myself that I am going to get out of here and come home to them. I'm not letting Hayley separate us no matter how hard she tries.

I'm sitting in a chair, my legs tied, my wrists tied behind me, tape on my mouth. I have no idea where I am and no idea where Hayley went. It's dark in here, besides the single light bulb hanging from the ceiling just a few feet away from me. I haven't been awake for long. I fell asleep last night in here. I remember the needle Hayley injected in me. I woke up from that, I'm guessing, last night, since I saw blackness out of the small window. Now, I see sunlight.

I try to pull my wrists out from the rope, but eventually give up. It's too tight. I attempt to stand up, and surprise myself when I manage to succeed. Now, I only can't walk, considering there's a rope tied around my legs below my knees. I look around, and through the dim lighting, I see a sharp object but I'm not sure what it is. It could work though.

I barely move my feet, trying to make my way closer to it. I carefully bend my knees, and eventually find myself sitting a few inches in front of the sharp object, my back towards it. I shift a little at a time, and I'm eventually right in front of it. I move my wrists, and place the rope at the blade. I move my wrists back and forth, hoping it'll cut. I get hopeful when I see it's working. I go a little faster, and accidentally cut one of my wrists. I wince and squeeze my eyes shut, but eventually, my wrists are free. I pull the remainder of the rope off of my wrists, and quickly rip the tape from my mouth. I then pick up the object, and cut the rope around my legs.

Now, I only have to find a way to escape.

I look around quickly, and see a door in the distance. I run to it, and as I'm reaching for the door knob, the door opens and I see Hayley.

"Well, well, well. Look who got loose," she says.

I punch her, and she grabs my wrist. She reaches down and grabs the other one as well, using her foot to kick the door shut.

"Hayley, why are you doing this?" I ask.

"You know why," she grits, "punishment."

"I didn't know anything to you," I say.

"YES YOU DID! You stole Caleb from me!"

"He was never yours to start with!" I yell.

"DON'T YELL AT ME!" She yells, and I knee her in the stomach. She glares at me, "Oh, you've really messed up now."

She puts a hand on my neck, and moves forward with me, making me go backwards. She pushes me down to the floor.

"You are SO complicated!" She shrieks, "Caleb WILL be mine."

"No he won't," I grit, "I'm not going to let you come between us ever again."

"I've had enough of you," she says, and then pulls out her gun and aims it at me, "it's over. You're over."

"Nope. You're over, bitch," I hear a familiar voice.

I lean over and am surprised when I see Gabby, aiming a gun at Hayley. Hayley turns around quickly and aims her gun at Gabby, but it's too late- Gabby shoots first.

The gun goes a couple feet away from Hayley when she falls. She reaches for it, and I try to beat her to it. Gabby steps closer, and shoots Hayley again. I let out nervous breaths as Gabby checks for Hayley's pulse.

"She's gone," Gabby says, and then looks up at me, "Are you okay?"

She stands back up, and I stand up and hug Gabby.

"Gabby, you pretty much saved my life," I cry.

"I love you. I'm so glad you're okay," she says.

"How'd you find me?"

"I just so happened to be outside when I saw her pass. I didn't know if it was her but I didn't risk it."

"I can never thank you enough," I breathe out.

"All that matters is that you're okay."

"Where are the girls?"

"They're at my house.. Cade is with them. Caleb is home, too," she smiles, "Come on, let's get out of here."

When Gabby pulls into my driveway, I see a few cops and Caleb. Caleb looks confused when he sees Gabby get out of the car, and his eyes widen when he sees me get out.

"Maddie!" He yells, coming over to me.

"Caleb," I cry.

"Oh my gosh," he says, holding me tight, "Thank God you're okay."

"All thanks to Gabby," I tell him.

Gabby explains what happened, and Caleb gives her a hug.

"And Hayley?" He asks.

"She's dead," I tell him.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Caleb looks me up and down.

"I'm okay," I nod, "I cut my wrist, but it was an accident when I was cutting the rope off from around my wrists."

After Gabby and I talk to the cops, they leave. Gabby calls Cade, and a few minutes later, I see Cade's car pull into our driveway.

"Mommy!" The girls yell, running to me.

I hug them, "I'm right here."

"Where did you go?" Allison asks.

I smile at her, "All that matters is that I'm here. And I'm never leaving like that again."

Ocean Eyes - Maddie Poppe and Caleb Hutchinson Series (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now