Chapter 28

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(A/N: This is just a filler, sorry!)

2 Weeks Later

Maddie's POV

When I get home from the studio, I see Gabby sitting on the couch.

"Hey!" She says.

"Hey. Thanks again for staying with them," I smile at her.

"No problem. I love hanging out with them. But I think they got tired of me because they went upstairs," she laughs.

After she leaves, I go upstairs to check on them and I hear them talking in Caroline's room.

"You do not mind that I call your mommy my mommy, right?" Caroline asks.

"No!" Allison giggles, "I want you to have a mommy. And I am glad that my mommy can be your mommy, too!"

"I love you, Allie."

"I love you, sissy!"

I smile to myself before going back downstairs. They are so excited for a Halloween party they are going to in a couple weeks. It's all they've been talking about lately. About half an hour later, I hear a little voice.

"Mommy?" Caroline says, coming over to me.


"Allie doesn't feel good," she says.

"Oh no," I say, standing up and walking towards the stairs.

"She went to her room now," Caroline tells me.

I go upstairs and see Allison sitting on her bed. Her little cheeks are red and she looks tired.

"What's the matter, baby?" I kneel in front of her.

"I don't feel good," she says.

I put the back of my hand on her forehead and she feels hot.

"I'll be right back," I tell her and she nods.

I go downstairs and get the thermometer. I go back to her room and take her temperature. When it beeps, I look at the reading. 102.

"You have a fever," I tell her and she sighs.

"My nose is stuffy," she mumbles.

"Poor baby," I say to myself, looking at her as she looks at the floor.

"And my throat hurts," she says.

"Come on, baby, I'm gonna take you to the doctor, okay?"


"Is Allie okay?" Caroline asks, standing in the doorway.

"Come on, sweetie," I look at Allison again.


I sigh, "It will be okay."

"Allie has to go to the doctor?" Caroline asks.

"Yes," I tell her.

"No!" Allison says again.

"It's okay, Allie, I will go with you!" Caroline says.

"I promise they won't hurt you, baby. You just need some medicine."

"Okay," she sighs.

They get in the car and I drive to the walk-in clinic. When we're in the waiting room, my phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey," Caleb says, "Where are you?"

I sigh, "the girls and I are at the walk-in clinic. I brought Allison because she has a fever."

"Poor Allie," he says.

"Yeah," I look over at her, seeing her slumped in her chair, looking at the floor. Then they call her name. I speak to Caleb, "They just called her back. I'll see you, later."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you," I say, hanging up. I look at Allison, "come on, baby."

"Okay," she says, nervously.

We eventually find out that she has strep throat. They gave her some antibiotics, so I stop and get them on the way home. I get her some throat lozenges for her sore throat, too. When we get home, Caroline runs back into the house, and Allison walks slowly behind her, walking upstairs to her room as soon as we get home.

"My baby," I pout.

"I know," Caleb says, "I hate it when they don't feel good."

"Me too," I say, sadly, "I need to give her antibiotics to her."

After I get them, I get her a glass of water and take her lozenges out of the bag. I go up to her room and find her laying on her bed, on her side. She sees the pills in my hand and sighs.

"Ew," she says, softly.

"Here, baby," I tell her.

She sits up and takes them from me. After she swallows them, she sets her water on her nightstand.

I give her a lozenge, "this is for you throat."

"Thank you," she says, putting it in her mouth.

"I'm sorry you're sick, precious," I tell her.

She shrugs, "I just hope I am better by Halloween."

I giggle, "You will be, I promise."

Ocean Eyes - Maddie Poppe and Caleb Hutchinson Series (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now