Chapter Eleven~

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I want to throw everything I've ever eaten along with my organs up. What the hell.

Feeling dizzy seems to be my goddamn hobby, because Holy fuck, I seem to do that a lot along with getting headaches.

Sitting on the floor against a wall, I silently watched the light flicker. It seemed to flicker on a certain pattern. Not sure what it meant though.

All I knew is that I felt like throwing up my insides again, but the feeling was stronger than ever.

Is it because I'm thinking of that one fanfiction again?

Probably. Or maybe it's a gut feeling as others call it.

Are gut feelings the definition of you feeling like throwing up if something unsettling is about to happen?

I'm not sure.

My thoughts got interrupted by the door opening slowly and a person entering the room.

It's the pole that kidnapped me after I threatened him about sounding like a loli getting raped.

The tall fuck entered the room with some kind of knife, and sat on the floor in front of me, staring into my eyes as if expecting me to talk.

So I talked. "Are you into some SxM kinky kinda shit or what? Or whatever it's named. Maybe you just wanted to say "oh, I'll kill you if you don't kiss me/if you won't be in a relationship with me, nye nye nye.", right? Is this going to be like a romance book, buddy?"

Or maybe he really was a S.

I mean, I don't give a fuck either way-

"Pretty much. Although I'd like to form my words another way," he began. I looked into his eyes blankly. His mouth seemed to be covered by a pullover of sorts. "I'm bored, and thought about finding someone to make mine, so I took you back from those strange looking people."

Took me back?

Is he a stalker of some sort? Like, was he planning to take me right as Jeff and Ben were?

"You planned on taking me befor-"

"Yeah. I was about to take you until that soda can exploded. I even tried turning off the electricity and all that stuff so that I could silently take you away."

His voice sounded so damn emotionless, Holy fuck.

It is an interesting voice though.

It's so deep, yet sorta smooth and calm sounding. I could literally melt to the sound he produces.

Although it was a little muffled by the neck of his clothing.

"Fun. Planned to make me your maid as well?"

He shook his head.

I'm fine with this. I can live with this. Give me a room and I'm down.

"May I know the name of my kidnapper, then?"

He really was interesting. I also just noticed horns on the sides of his head. It made him look more adorable in the light.

Eyeless Sockets [Creepypasta x Blind!Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz