Class and Some Sparring

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Rose's PoV:

I woke up to a happy song. Checking my Scroll, nothing was playing, so I knew who was playing it.

Thanks T.O.M. Just gotta make sure, are you affecting my subconscious?


Just wanted to make a reference.


I giggled and got up. "Class is gunna be great!"

(Y/N)'s PoV:

I heard Rose yell how class id going to be great and I want to differ. Getting up, I saw Rose was already in her uniform and was putting a pink bow in her hair. Felix groaned and got up reluctantly while Locus stood up silently. We changed into our uniforms, me hiding my wolf ears via putting on a black cloak that RN had in a hidden storage compartment.

Felix saw the midnight cloak I had on. "Damn, are you edgy or what!"

That got him a glare from Locus. Felix gulped and backed down. We rushed to class and snagged a set of desks in the very back. We watched as Weiss fought a Boarbatusk and Felix leaned in to me.

"I think I saw under her skirt!" Felix snickered as he whispered.

I couldn't help but snicker, too. Locus glanced at us while Rose was oblivious to what we were doing. She was busy playing Destiny on her Scroll. My partner was so focused on her game, she would have been late to our next class if Locus, the ever responsible one, didn't drag her along. Rose walked without breaking her focus on her game.

Thankfully, she put it down when the next class started. It was Glynda's fighting class.

"In this class, you shall spar against your fellow students to hone your skills. Now, who wishes to be the very first fight in this class?"

Cardin's hand shot up immediately, an evil grin on his lips.

"Yes, Mr. Winchester?"

"I want to fight him." He pointed at Locus.

Glynda gazed at my quiet teammate. "What will it be?"

"Let me get my things."

"Of course. Both contenders shall have five minutes to prepare for their upcoming fight. May the best fighter win."

Glynda walked off as Cardin and Locus got up. Cardin's face was twisted with a worry some smile while Locus's was neutral. Locus came out after one minute, a machine gun-looking weapon in his hands, knife on his back along with what I'm guessing is a backup pistol. Doesn't seem to have a barrel, though. Strange.

Cardin came out in his armor and with the mace his father bought him, paid with the tax payer's money. I know that because I was there when the speech was given and RN had been helping me map a web of all the crimes the mayor has done with proof to follow. Problem has been that the police are corrupt to and to get it to the Minstral Counsel, you need to have a LUDICROUS amount of proof. But we are still trying.

Cardin smirked at Locus, taking a good look at the suit he wore. "That won't protect you!" He slammed a fist onto his chest. "This will!"

Locus pulled back the bar on his rifle. "A bad Huntsman relies on armor. A good Huntsman relies on his Aura. A great Huntsman doesn't need to do either, for he never is hit. You are clearly a bad one."

Cardin growled. "What are you then, huh!!!"

"I am not great, but I am not bad. That simply leaves good."

"Why you-! RAGHHH!!!!"

Cardin charged Locus and he simply stood there. Cardin swung his mace down while Locus stepped to the side, drew the pistol on his back and pulled the trigger, then rolled away. As I gazed at the "pistol" I realized the front was gone. Gazing at Cardin, I saw the front.... stuck right between his legs!!!!

The thing blew up sending Cardin flying away from his mace as Locus calmly loaded another sticky grenade into his launcher. A white-ish glow shimmered over Cardin as he wreathed in pain.

"Lucky shot."

Locus looked down at the guy. "There is no such thing as luck, only skill."

He then gazed at the crowd, arms stretched. "Anyone else?"

The class exploded into murmurs and whispers. Slowly, a certain girl with black and red hair stood up.

"I will."

Glynda nodded and watched as Cardin's team got him off the stage. Ruby came out several moments later prepped for a tough fight. I recognized the symbol on her mag as "Gravity".

Glynda raised her riding crop. "May the match, commence!" She swiped it down.

Ruby rushed Locus as he slung his rifle over his shoulders as he grabbed his knife. Drawing the blade, scythe and knife clashed in a shower of sparks. Ruby leaned on her scythe as Locus added his free hand to the grip.

"Brute force isn't everything."

Locus freed a hand and drew his rifle. He smashed it into Ruby, causing her to stumble and get pushed to the ground by the knife. Her Aura was still well in the green, though.

Ruby bared her teeth and flipped, her boots slamming into Locus's chin. I saw Felix try to get up, but Rose calmed him down.

Guess they've been together for a while.

Locus rubbed his chin and smirked. "Nicely played. But we can't do this all day. Time to end it."

He sheathed his knife and properly held his rifle. He let off a short burst of fire which Ruby dodged by using her recoil to send her into the air. Locus aimed where she was going and sent another burst, causing Ruby to evade again, this time towards him, but one bullet still hit her. The force of the impact took out a huge chunk of her Aura, sending her close to yellow.

Ruby raised her scythe to strike, bur Locus simply vanished. She looked around, confused, before she was violently brought to her knees. Locus had disarmed her and was holding her arms in an extremely uncomfortable position.

Ruby struggled to croak out "I submit" and Locus let her go. He helped her to her feet and handed her her folded weapon.

"That was one of the better fights I have had. Nice going. Don't be afraid to use your scythe as a gun, too."

Ruby nodded and class was dismissed early. Rose and I flocked Locus.

"How did you do that!"

"Do what?"

Felix stepped in. "Let the people person do the talking. Locus's Semblance is Invisibility. Mine? Why it is very useful! It's a shield! Vroom!" He held a blue shield over his head.

Locus simply grumbled.

Felix continued, oblivious to his friend's discomfort. "It can actually block loads of things, like explosives, bullets, melee, yadda yadda. And we've been fighting for a loooooong time now, and we're always improving!"


"Yeah, Locus?" He turned around.

"You talk too much."

"What?!? Psht! Someone has to pick up the slack you leave!"

Locus's hand wrapped around his grenade launcher's grip and Felix backed off.

The guy whispered to Rose and I. "Trust me, you won't like him when he's angry."

Rose's lips curled into a grin. "Will he get big and green?"

"No, he will get growly and genosidal."

We returned to our dorms and Rose got right back to Destiny.

From the bottom to the top (Titanfall x RWBY)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz