Chapter 16: Revelations

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(Y/N)'s PoV:


I tried sweeping his legs again, but he grabbed mine and threw me to the ground. Frowning, Goliath looked down at me.

"Predictable! Off-balance!"

Blood boiling, I sprung up, fist curled, but before I knew it, he already had me immobilized.

"Nice try. Still not fast enou-"

Flipping over him, I planted my feet on his back and sprung, sending him to the ground and me into the air. Landing on the ground with a skid, I locked eyes with him and we charged, colliding fists. A few kicks here, a few feints there and we were both on the ground, covering our bleeding noses. Getting up, I looked at my mentor and he smirked.

"You're getting pretty good, kid. But you aren't there yet."

I let out a breath of relief. "Kinda assumed that when you so easily caused me to rage out."

Goliath nodded. "And that's another thing to work on. Your anger issues."

Rolling my eyes, I sat down against his house and looked at the birds chirping in the trees. Sitting down next to me, Goliath gazed at the clouds.

"Say, kid. Is there something you're fighting to protect? Or maybe someone?"

"No, not really. I've just been fighting to survive and end corruption."

Goliath pointed at me. "There we go! You are fighting to protect something! Honesty!"

I gave him the "really." look.

He sighed. "Look, kid, the reason I asked is that I've heard that you were forced to leave a team and fake your death to get here. I thought that maybe... there was someone close to you on that team that you wished to protect." There was an odd glint in his eye.

I said nothing and lowered my head, gazing at the dirt we were sitting on. What is he getting at?

As I pondered his words, Goliath suddenly got up, brushing a bit of dirt off his leg. "That reminds me, your Titans know squat about the Frontier. You ponder on my words while I transfer all the data I have to your Ronnin."

I nodded. "Sure, whatever."

Before Goliath entered the house, he smiled at me. "Y'know, I'm impressed that you're able to maintain Links with three Titans. Only people I knew who could do that were the (L/N)'s."

My eyes shot open and ears popped out from under my hood. Goliath tilted his head.

"Something up?"

"Y-you-. You kn-. You know my parents?" I looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"Your parents? The heck?"

"You said you knew the (L/N)'s! That's my last name! Well, maybe you don't know my parents, but you gotta know someone from my family, right???"

He raised his hands to calm me down. "Chill out there, kiddo. Tell me what you remember about your parents."

I frowned. "Not much. I remember they had helmets with glowing blue visors, I was born on Remnant and at least one of them had to be a Faunus, else I wouldn't have wolf ears."

Goliath scratched his chin. "Blue visors, huh? That rules out Apex Predators and the IMC, that's for sure. You said at least one of them was a Faunus, right?"

I nodded.

"There's one Pilot that comes to mind when I think of Faunus. We called 'im Fang cause of his wolf tail and razor-sharp teeth. I think his last name was (L/N), but not too sure. And then there's the Pilot he retired with to an unspecified planet, but she was human. Hm... Sorry kid, that's all I know off the top of my head."

I smiled. "More than I knew before. Thanks."

He nodded. "No prob. Glad I could help shed light on your family tree."

He then entered the house fully and there was a quiet moment before the birds flew away in panic. Drawing my sword, I looked around for what spooked the wildlife.

"Who's there?!?"

There was a low chuckle and slowly, a woman in a wine colored jumpsuit with a red-visored Pilot helmet revealed herself in the branches of a nearby tree. Wary of this newcomer, I held my blade in a defensive position.

"Who are you?"

The Pilot gazed down at me from her branch. "Who I am matters not to you. What does matter is that you come with me."


"Oh, no reason, besides the fact that the Queen would be very happy if I brought you to her, along with your Titans. Oh, right! You don't have a clue about what I am talking about, don't you?"

I narrowed my gaze. "You're not taking me."

The Pilot stood up, chuckling darkly. "Not now, at least. Oh, and have you checked your Scroll yet? There's a big event coming up and you'd hate to miss it!" And with that, the Pilot vanished.

Continuing to stand in a defensive position for five whole minutes, I lowered my guard and looked around.

"She's gone..."

Goliath came out and saw me with my sword. "Hey, what's up? Did something happen?"

I glanced at him. "... No, not really. Just decided to sharpen my sword, that's all."

He nodded. "If you say so. Anyways, the sun's just about to go, best you come in."

I walked in without another word. Who was that woman? And does she have a Titan? Who was she talking about, this 'Queen' of hers? I need answers, soon.

I did not sleep tonight.

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