Hijaab (and misconceptions of it)

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Why do we have hijaab?

Isn't it enough of a reason that Allah has ordered us to observe hijaab? Why should we question Allah's commands, when He knows what's best for us, even if we don't?

Our bodies are amaanah from Allah; a trust from God.
We cover our beauty, what He has given us, even if we consider ourselves not beautiful. We are. Allah created us all different for a reason. Besides, doesn't the reward of being so beautiful and becoming even more beautiful in Jannah, make us feel amazed and happy?

We are gems, jewels. Gems are rare and well-protected. We don't leave it lying around for all and sundry to see. Someone can steal it, damage it.
We are like those gems. We keep ourselves reserved for certain people. A man for his maaharim. A woman for her mahaarim.

We don't become dumber by observing hijaab.
The beauty of the moon does not get lost when covered with clouds. So too, we don't lose beauty when observing hijaab.

We are not like stones, that everyone throws and kicks around. We are precious jewels, to be protected and safeguarded.

Hijaab is Hayaa, and hayaa is one of the most beautiful characteristics.

Jilbaab/ burqah: Covers entire body, from head to ankles.

Niqaab: Face-veil

Ridaa: Big shawl (we can say scarf or dupatta)
The scarf is very commomly misknown worldwide as 'hijaab'. This is incorrect.

Khimaar: Headscarf (commonly misknown, especially in South Africa, as burkha)


The above 4 are dresscode for a baaligha (mature woman) when leaving the house or if ghair-mahaarim men will be able to view her.

When should a woman be covered and up till where?

1. Ghair-mahaarim: Her whole body should be covered, from head to toe, in loose clothing, not showing the shape of her body even slightly. Her whole body is awrah (private) to them.
The normal and general rule of Hijaab to be observed for non-mahrams is total seclusion or segregation between the genders. In this category of Hijaab the woman has necessarily to remain within the home environment and expose nothing of herself, not even her garments. In other words, she is not permitted to emerge from the home environment unnecessarily even clad in a Jilbaab with her face concealed.
She should abstain from looking at ghair-mahaarim men as well.

2. In front of Muslim women and mahaarim men: from the breast till the knees, it is fardh to be covered. The rest may be exposed, if she wishes.
However, covering up/wearing a scarf allows the angles of mercy in, so it's better to cover the hair.

3. Husband: no limits.

The voice of the women is also awrah (satr).


Men, like woman, should abstain from wearing tight-fitted clothing.
Men's satr is from their navel till the knees. No one, except his wife, is allowed to see this part.
He should abstain from looking at ghair-mahaarim women.

In the world we live in, modernism and liberalism has taken over a very big part of our Muslims. Many Islamic concepts are misinterpreted and taken out of concept and misunderstood.

Pardah and hijaab are the same thing, although many people refer to pardah as niqaab.

Hijaab includes all dress code (jilbaab, cloak, abayah, burqah, khimar, niqaab, scarf, whatever it's called) lowering of the gaze, separation of genders, hayaa and conduct. IT IS FOR BOTH GENDERS.

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