Who are you?

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Patton's P.O.V

Today is the day! I'm Gonna Introduce (Y/N) to everyone! I've been holding out on letting the others meet her for two reasons. One, they look nothing like the other sides and two, I care for them like they're my own child even though they are only two years younger than me... Oh well!

"(Y/N)?" I call out

"Yeah, dad?" They replied

"Are you ready yet?" I asked

"Almost dad! I'm sew excited to wear my new clothes!" They made a dad joke!

This kiddo has definitely been raised by me.  They have amazing puns, and dad jokes I might add! They left their room, a side room to my room, and came to see me.

'I'm a little nervous..." they stated a little anxiously

"Oh don't be! Everyone will love you!" I said trying to boost their confidence

"O-Ok then! Let's go!" She said excitedly

Here it is, the moment my little darling child becomes my... slightly bigger child . Nope, not letting them grow up! I love my strange child! Oh, I didn't mention that (Y/N) is Sanders...

"Cmon dad!" (Y/N) called out

"Ok, I'm coming!" I replied

Logans P.O.V

Here we go again. Thomas is making another Sander Sides video. He tends to get a large number of views on these kinds of videos, it's only rational to make them. Patton said he wanted to show us something, and by "us" I mean Virgil, Roman, Thomas, and I. A portion of me feels like he might show us something other than another cat onesie.

"Hello everyone!" Patton exclaimed coming up from his room, "I have a surprise for all of you!"

Patton seemed really excited about this "Suprise" of his. I have to admit that I was actually a little enthusiastic about seeing this "Suprise."

"(Y/N) come on up!" He shouted to the floor

Why is he shouting at the floor? I thought to myself. Just as I was starting to think of reasons why I saw this (insert height here) person, they were quite stunning by societies standers.

"Hello (Y/N) I amLogan," I said extending my arm for them to shake my hand. Unlike the rest of us, they actually shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Logan!" They said, smiling like an imbecile.

They walked over to Anxiety, or Virgil as some would call him.

Virgil's P.O.V

Great, another person to tease me...

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)!" The new entity exclaimed

"Um... Hi, I'm Virgil..." I replied

(Y/N) came closer to me and hugged me. This was just weird... I actually didn't pull away, instead, I embraced it. They smell like chocolate and strawberries. Ok, Virgil don't act weird, you just meet (Y/N) and you've already sniffed them. (Y/N) released me from their grip.

"Why'd you hug me (Y/N)?" I asked, clearly confused

"You just looked like you needed one!" They said with a cheery grin.

They moved onto Roman, who of course had to be outgoing around (Y/N).

Romans P.O.V

Who is this stunning being? They are quite beautiful are they not? Thy Being approached me with such grace in their green sweater and jeans.

"Hello, gorgeous I am Roman!" I said bowing

They snickered and and bowed to me "Hello Roman, I am (Y/N)!"

I liked this (Y/N), they understand etiquette. They didn't even mock me for my ways! This could be the start of a wonderful friendship. I looked into their beautiful (e/c) eyes. They were quite beautiful in the artificial lighting. They also had (h/c), which was quite interesting to say the least, but they were gorgeous none the less!

Out of nowhere deceit popped up, I saw Patton tense up a little, but he kept smiling. (Y/N) seemed clueless as to what was going on. They walked up to him, smiling.

Deceit's P.O.V

I heard a lot of commotion coming from above my room. What could those fools be doing! I sprang into Thomas's living room to see a new person, I assumed that they were another side, a new one at that. They smiled at me and walked over.

" Hi, I'm (Y/N)!" They said

"Why hello (Y/N) I'm Morality," I said lying

They looked me in the eyes and said: "You can't be, my dad is Morality."

"You caught me," I said putting my hands up in defeat, "I'm Deceit"

"Well hello, Deceit!" They said back in her happy mood

The other looked utterly confused. I have to admit, so was I. No one ever actually talked to me willingly, and no one other than Virgil ever called me out on lying. This new side is very interesting.

They then proceeded to walk over to Thomas.

Thomas's P.O.V

A new side? An old one that I never knew about? So many questions were running through my mind right now. They approached me, smiling, even after talking to Deceit.

"Hi, Thomas! I'm (Y/N)!" They stated happily

"Hi (Y/N), by any chance could you tell me what part of me you represent?" I asked

They looked me straight and the eyes and told me that they were...

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