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PLEASE READ: TRIGGER WARNING THEMES OF SUICIDE! You have been warned please be careful!

Virgil's P.O.V

He... He kissed them, I mean it was on the hand and all but him? I know Roman doesn't like me that much but did he have to kiss them in front of everyone? The worst of it is that (Y/N) is still blushing! I was so... so. Never mind, it doesn't matter anyways, (Y/n) deserves better than some anxious freak. I sank back down quickly and ran straight for my bed. I looked in the drawer pulling out something I thought I would never use again.

"Well, here goes nothing," I paused "actually, here goes everything."

I opened the bottle carefully, making sure not to spill any of the pills inside. I looked at the label one last time before popping four pills into my mouth Anxiety away it read.

Roman's P.O.V

Ah yes, (Y/n) loves me do they not? Why, they are still blushing! (Y/n) seemed to become flustered, weird, usually when I kiss people they don't get upset.

"Roman," She spoke, her voice like butter "I don't know yet..."

They sank back down into their room. This was to be expected, they are new after all. They don't know my glory just yet. I'll give them some time to calm down and realize why I'm the better option.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I sank back down into the mind palace I didn't go to my room just yet, I wanted to check and see if Virgil was okay. After all I hadn't seen him before I came here and when I did seem him he looked pretty upset.

"hahaha!" I hear a voice laugh from Virgil's room "Look what you've done know Virgil!"

The voice sounded oddly familiar, almost snake like. I paid that no mind and walked over to Virgil's room. I knocked softly and almost instantly Virgil opened the door. He seemed, off, like his hoodie strings weren't the same, were they always green with yellow stripes?

"Oh, hey (Y/n)" Virgil said to me "What are you doing here?"

"Well I heard laughing and I just wanted to see if you were okay I guess" I replied hesitantly

"(Y/n) I was laughing, you shouldn't be concerned!" Virgil smiled

"Laughing at what?" I asked

He went silent, "Wait a minute! When did you start using fancy words Virgil? And I'm pretty sure that those aren't your normal hoodie strings. Wait a minute-" I was cut off by two pills being shoved in my mouth. I swallowed ready to start my rant again, but I looked down at the bottle and read the label melatonin gummies, that's the one problem about being understanding, it's exhausting so even the smallest amount of melatonin could kill me.

I stood their my vision growing hazy and my legs starting to wobble

With a few breaths I managed to make out "w-what did y-you do to Virgil? W-where is h-he?"

He replied instantly "I did nothing to him, and as to where he is" he paused "Let's just say you and him will have a personal reunion.

With those words I fell to the floor cough up blood, I tried to throw up the pills but more blood just came out. My arms grew weak and my head hung heavily on my shoulders. Was this it for me? Was this the last of me? No, I told my self, I can do this I can safe my family!

I can make it.

For Virgil!

For Roman!

For Thomas!

For Logan!

For... Dad, oh no dad! I can't let him see me like this. I crawl my way into Virgil's room to see him lying on the floor. Motionless.

"Aw, still trying to hide ourselves from the world are we?" The fake Virgil laughed "Well I'll just leave you to it!" He smiled and locked the door behind me

My breathing drew short as I rested my head on Virgil's leg. I managed to make out my final words

"I love you all, no matter how big or small, you're beautiful just the way you are. I want you to know that someone out there, n-not just me, loves you, you mean the world to them... Just keep living, even when l-life h-hurts you gotta keep going, if not for anyone, then do it for me..." a tear fell down my cheek as I closed my eyes.

Goodbye world, goodbye Thomas, goodbye Roman, goodbye Virgil, goodbye Logan, Goodbye da-


Virgil and (Y/n) laid on the floor, both seemingly dead. The impostor made his way downstairs and "forgave" Roman for kissing (Y/n), Virgil's crush. No one seemed to notice the difference. Or did they?

A/N: Again TYSM for 1K reads, Also this may seem like the end, but it's not, it's a cliff hanger for the next chapter, so fret not the beautiful humans! Also I want to get serious for a second. I lost a a friend not to long ago to suicide, I knew her for six years and to this very day it still hurts, so I just want to let everyone know who is reading this that those who are your friend don't want to see you dead and happy... They want to see you happy with them, I tried so hard to make my friend happy again but frisking bullies got the best of them. So yes, I know what it's like to lose a friend to suicide and I just want to let all of you know that it doesn't actually help anyone, I have fallen into what feels like a never ending sadness but with the help of some of my friends, weather they notice or not, they have kept me from doing something I would regret. So just keep living, please. I don't care how hard you have it, if you die it will be even harder on those who you think don't care. I'm sorry if I sound mad here I just want to get my point across that I care for each and every one of you, weather you hate me or not, I care for you more than you could imagine. So thank you for reading this super awful authors note I just wanted to let people know that they are loved, and as the great (Y/n) states "I love you all, no matter how big or small, you're beautiful just the way you are. I want you to know that some out there, n-not just me, loves you, you mean the world to them... Just keep living, even when l-life h-hurts you gotta keep going, if not for anyone, then do it for me..."

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