Deceit is crying?

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Deceit's P.O.V

   Now that I have (Y/N) in my grasp I can execute my plan! Allow me to explain, if I capture (Y/N) then Virgil will worry. If Virgil worries he'll lash out on the others, by doing so everyone will loose trust in him, inevitably making him alone again. He'll be consumed by his dark thoughts and will cease to exist. With Anxiety gone Patton will eventually loose his sway and glow since he believes Virgil to be a son to him. While Patton is sad Logan will be on edge since he doesn't understand emotions well, he will eventually snap. With everyone gone Roman will have no one to praise him or make his life interesting, he will eventually retreat to his room in sadness of not being useful. This leave Thomas with only me to rely on! I will finally be of use to him and my crippling loneliness will go away- I mean I'll have full control of Thomas...

   Is this really what I want? Do I really want to take control over Thomas? For some reason this doesn't seem like such a good idea right now. Maybe I should-

"YOU!" I heard Virgil yell from down the hall,

   I turned around surprised to see him so close to my face, sadly it was his fist reaching my face.

   (Y/N) fell out of my arms, falling to the floor. My face felt like a rock was thrown at it, I stumbled backwards, completely forgetting me second guessing my thoughts. I picked (Y/N) back up and started running, I didn't know if I was going the right direction to my room, but I had to fulfill my plans. I could hear Virgil's footsteps grow louder, well at least I wished it was only Virgil. I turned around for a split second to see Patton had joined Virgil. Patton seemed, for lack of a better word, irritated. He no longer had his happy demeanor, well he probably lost that a few minutes ago when Virgil tried to commit suicide.

Virgil's P.O.V

   I can't believe it! Deceit took (Y/N)! After all we've gone through he still thinks that taking over Thomas is a good idea! How much of an idiot is he? I'm tired of this! He needs to get the fact that he'll never win through his thick skull.

   Patton and I were gaining on him, Patton was pretty mad when he saw Deceit running down the hallway with (Y/N) in his arms, I mean they're basically his kid. Patton jumped, tackling deceit. I ran to catch (Y/N), I barely caught them but I managed to keep their head from hitting the ground. I took off the gag from their mouth and shook them awake. Luckily they weren't injured other than a light scrap on the arm from falling earlier. I looked away from (Y/N) to see how Patton was doing. What I saw will never be erased from my memory. Patton had Deceit in a choke hold while Deceit was tapping, practically begging for mercy. (Y/N) had awoke and saw what was going on. (Y/N) basically busted out laughing, I joined them seeing as how funny the situation really was. Patton looked over at us, seeing (Y/N) was awake he greeted them.

"Hey kiddo," he said with a smile "How'd you sleep?"

  Deceit seemed to be questioning his sanity and how much longer he could hold his breath, he eventually managed to make out a sentence "Patton, I can breath," he was clearly lying but Patton took note of that

"Oh sorry buddy," Patton apologized, "Didn't see you there!"

   Patton released Deceit from his grip. Deceit was rubbing his neck, possibly crying? (Y/N) seemed to notice Deceit possibly crying and ended up walking over to him.

"Are you okay Deceit?" (Y/N) Asked

Deceit choked out "Yeah, I'm great."

"Deceit. Tell me what's wrong" (Y/N) demanded

"I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I even know if I'm doing my job correctly." He sobbed

   Could this guy get anymore Pathetic?

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