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Your P.O.V

Well, the question has been asked. I have to tell them who I am! I looked Thomas straight in the eye.

"I represent understanding," I said calmly

He looked at me confused. I knew this would happen. I hated explaining this, it just seemed so pointless. Kind of like a broken pencil.

"I see the good in people. I don't like to judge because you can't tell what people are going through and what they have gone through. That's why when I went up to Deceit I wasn't scared, and why when I went up to Virgil I didn't mock him." I said explaining my role

I continued "I was created to help you not judge people, let you be friendly, and I overall make you a kind person!" I finished smiling.

Thomas and the other sides made an 'Oh' expression on their faces, all except Logan, I guess you could say that he understood what was going on. get it! get it!

Deceits P.O.V

This could work to my advantage, (Y/N) clearly has already made a bond with everyone here. I could use them, manipulate them into letting me get close to the others. Then I could finally take them all down! Mwahaha!

I just remembered that Thomas was still recording and everyone will see me... I can't make another appearance on his channel! The fandom goes crazy! I quickly retreated back to the safety of my room.

Roman's P.O.V

(Y/N) seems to have taken a liking to HotTopic and I. He shall not have their heart! I swear on all of what Thomas likes that I will not let Panic! At the everywhere win (Y/N)'s love and affection!

"So what are we doing exactly?" (Y/N) asked

"We are making a youtube video (Y/N)!" I answered

"Oh wow! Really! That's so cool!" They said, actually interested in what was going on.

(Y/N) stood next to Patton, leaning on him for support. Do I have another rival already!

"You were right Dad, they are nice!" she said to Patton


Virgil's P.O.V

(Y/N) seems like a nice person, seems, I could be completely wrong. They could be like Deceit and try to destroy us all, or at least ruin Thomas's street credit. Ok, calm down Virgil, don't need to panic.

"So you represent understanding?" I asked them.

They turned towards me, "Yep!"

"How come none of us but Patton knew about you up until now?" I asked

"In all honesty, I think Patton wanted to raise me like I was his kid, even though I'm only two years younger than him, and one year younger than all of you" they answered

Interesting... I know Patton like the eyeshadow under my eyes, why would he hide (Y/N) from us? I decided it would be better not to ask him about that until we were alone. Thomas looked at all of us and then to the camera

"That's all, for now, guys, gals, and non-binary pals!" he then turned off the camera and uploaded his video before coming up to us.

"Is anyone else hungry?" He questioned

(Y/N) automatically replied with Patton saying "Me!"

Patton's P.O.V

I'm happy that (Y/N) has become friends with Thomas and the other sides! They didn't even tease my dark, strange son! I'm so proud of them, and my skills of raising them.

Thomas was making spaghetti with Logan. Thomas was boiling the noodles while Logan was putting tomato sauce on the meatballs. I swear when he was grabbing the sauce he looked at the can of Crofters jam.

     Wishing a few short hours dinner was ready, it probably would have gone faster if we didn't burn the water but oh well!

"Dinner is served!" Thomas announced

We all sat down at the dinner table, I saw (Y/N) coming over to sit by me, they were always sort of shy.

"Now (Y/N) don't be a wet noodle, go sit by one of your new friends!" I said happily

They laughed and sat down by Virgil, my child was growing up so fast!

Your P.O.V

I sat down next to Virgil and began to eat, this spaghetti was delicious! Halfway through my plate, I caught Virgil staring at me.

"You ok Virgil?" I asked

"O-oh uh yeah, just lost in thought" He lied

"Ok then..." I replied skeptically

He started eating and I finished up. I didn't have anything else to do so I thought that I should head to bed.

"Off to bed!" I said


Roman's P.O.V

"Wait!" I shouted

(Y/N) turned around a looked at me, as did everyone else.

"Disney marathon?" Everyone's eyes lit up

"Yes!" they all said in unison, all except Logan who was staring at Patton in awe.

I ship them so much! Like Rapunzel and Flinn Rider! They go together, even if they are polar opposites. After everyone finished up we all sat down on the couch. (Y/N) sat between me and Virgil. Patton put in tangled, typical Patton, and sat down. Halfway through the movie (Y/N) fell asleep, their head found it's resting place on my shoulder. Virgil looked at me jealously, I just stuck my tongue out as if to say 'haha I won'

-Time Skip after the movie-

Patton and Logan got up, Virgil was asleep as was (Y/N). Patton picked (Y/N) up bridal style and brought her back to their room so they could sleep. Logan did the same with Virgil and eventually, it was Thomas and me.

"You better get some sleep Thomas, we don't need a cranky boy in the morning, now do we?" I said

Thomas looked at me, got up, and went to bed. Soon I found myself going back to my room, filled with Royale objects, and heading to bed.

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