Where... am I?

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You can play the song while reading, it's a good song

Narrator's P.O.V

The room screamed creepy. You had no clue what was in store for you, thinking you were dead and all. Virgil was already awake, his sobs barley louder than a whisper. Outside the room Deceit was starting to enjoy the company of Roman and the other sides. How could this be so? Deceit would tell himself whilst talking to the sides. He enjoyed the time none the less, but he still had a mission he had to complete. Sadly, no one could stop him from reaching his goal.

Dominating Thomas's mind.

Virgil's P.O.V

Ugh... W-where am I? Aren't I supposed to be dead? Why can't I move? Why is (Y/N) here to? Why can't I see anything? So many questions ran through my mind, none with an answer at least. Wait... (Y/N)'s here! Are they okay? It doesn't matter I guess.

That's when it hit me. They kissed Roman, I don't know why that came to mind but it did and it hurt like hail. I wanted them to be mine, maybe because they didn't judge me, or maybe because they were cute, but whatever the reason was it made seeing anyone around her infuriating. Well I have to put my feelings inside right now. I need to get out of here.

"(Y/N) wake up." I spoke into the darkness


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"V-Virgil" My heart swelled.

Virgil wasn't dead! I felt a tear run down my cheek. I was going to try and hug him but then I saw a light in the dark then a door slammed.

"Looks like the two love birds are awake," I heard a sarcastic voice say. The voice was still familiar but I couldn't quite place it.

"(Y/N), Virgil, I have a favor to ask of you," The voice spoke, "I need you to give me your abilities."

What abilities? Does he mean our personality traits? Why would this person need understanding and anxiety? If I were to steal personality traits I would have gone with morality and logic, since they seem like the most powerful. However, needing us this person must be planning something big.

"Now you both represent understanding and anxiety, but I don't mean your traits when I say your 'ability'. There is something both of you have that you don't even know about. A side of you per say, for Virgil it's a dragon, For (Y/N) a (H/C) griffin with golden wings. I need your ability to summon them to kill off the others and claim Thomas' mind." He said

"No!" I heard Virgil scream "Deceit you're not taking our abilities!"

So his name was a deceit was it? Wait isn't he that snake dude from our first video we made? I think so...

"Well Virgil..." He pulled a syringe from his pocket "IT WASN'T A CHOICE!"

I tried to block the needle but it hit Virgil, he looked terrified with the needle in this arm.

"W-what is that!?" He screamed

"Well Virgil, it's the same thing you used in your failed attempt, except this one will actually work."

Virgil looked like he was about to punch Deceit, but he seemed to be loosing his strength by the second.

"Don't worry (Y/N) I'll be back to get his dead body, then I can use his power and come back for you~" He said in a flirtatious voice "You're Griffin won't protect you when Virgil's dragon fights it... Your love for the idiot won't let you"

I looked at Virgil with pleading eyes... I was pleading for him to stay alive. I loved him, maybe even more than a friend. That didn't matter right now, someone I loved was dying right before my very own eyes!

"(Y/)-(Y/N)?" Virgil said weakly, tears in his eyes, desperately trying not to die in front of me.

"Y-yeah Virge?" I said cry-laughing.

"S-sing me a song will you?" He asked looking up at the ceiling

"O-of course..." I paused "Which one?"

"A-an angel's l-lullaby..." He spoke softly, crying in the process.


"As the time goes on, the angle continues to sing her song,"
I paused crying a little and continued

"Oh, ye who would cry, oh ye who would lie, would you steal my fate? So I could finally fly?"
At this point I was in tears as I watched Virgil drift in and out of consciousness

"When the angel sings her final lullaby, will you be here by my side?"
Don't die yet
"When the angels tears finally dry, will you be here to say goodbye?"

I paused... Listing to see if Virgil was still there

"K-Keep singing" He spoke

"And when the angel finally leaves, will I be able to let go?! Will the world finally stop for a second and leave me alone?! Is there a reason everyone I love leaves? Is it the angel's doing or is it me?"

Virgil stopped breathing, he was gone... I felt like I was now singing the song with not just my voice, but with my soul in it.

"NO! I will not let it end this way, the tears I shed will cause dismay! For I am the angel whose tears will never dry, and this is my final lullaby!"

Deceit walked back in smiling like a maniac "Well I said I would be back for his dead body didn't I?" He picked up Vigils limp body and sucked a purple smoke out of it.

Suddenly a purple dragon with green and yellow eyes appeared behind Deceit, smoke coming out of it's nostrils.

"Don't be afraid (Y/N), It's only Virgil's soul, he won't hurt you... yet." He spoke devilishly

Without noticing A bright light glowed from behind me, Wings sprouted on my back, (H/C) feathers covered my body, I was no longer human. I was a Griffin, my 'spirit' animal. Get the pun?!

"Well it looks like you're going to make this harder for me, no matter I still have control of this beast."

Deceit's eyes glowed the same color as the dragons, mine turning a glowing (E/C). I was about to attack Deceit when a giant leg was put in front of me, blocking me.

This was going to be harder than I thought.



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