Please... Not (Y/N)

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Virgil's P.O.V

   I had finally made my decision to end my life, I was opening the bottle of Anxiety Away, or at least until da- Patton busted through my door. He started yelling at me, shoving my bottle of relief onto the floor.

"Kiddo! What were you thinking!?" Patton screeched,

   Thomas stared at me in utter disbelief. I thought this situation couldn't get any worse until (Y/N) walked through the door.

   (Y/N) yawned as they walked through the door "What are you guys doing up so earl-" they stopped walking into my room once they noticed the bottle of pills on my floor.

"(Y/N) I can explain!" I said trying to calm them down

"Virgil, why didn't you tell me?" They yelled, rushing over to me and giving me a large hug,

   That's when it hit me. (Y/N) cares about me, they all cared about me. Patton had been quietly sobbing in the corner, Thomas was shaking, and Roman had walked into the room without me noticing along with Logan who wasn't giving off any emotions. Roman seemed to have a dark aura, he seemed almost... mad? That couldn't be right. 

   The more I went into my thoughts the more I realized what was happening. Logan and even princey was here. I had tears on my cheeks, not to mention that I almost took my own life.  Why didn't I notice any of this before... Was it because all the thoughts in my head were hating on me and clouding my mind?

"Virge are you okay" (Y/N) asked in the kindest tone I've heard in years,

"For now... Yes, I'm okay," I replied.

"Okay, well I guess since most of us are up, I'll go make breakfast!" (Y/N) said trying to cheer up everyone.

   (Y/N) left the room first, but something felt off. There was more than just the presence of Logan, Roman, Patton, Thomas, (Y/N), and I.

Deciet's P.O.V

   (Y/N) walked out of Anxiety's room just as I had predicted. I gagged them and knocked em' out. I could now put my plan into action. I shared the same nightmare as all of the others, why would I ever apologize for coming up with such a great plan to have complete control over Thomas?

Nighty Night I guess 

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