The fight of a "life" time

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Once again just a good song


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

This couldn't be Virgil, could it? Virgil was so sweet, he wasn't a dragon who easily gave into the control of his enemies... My glowing eyes traced the dragon's wings. They looked quite powerful, able to kill a man with a simple flap. How could someone as hollow as Deceit control such a magnificent creature?

"Stop staring (Y/n), it might be the death of you," Deceit chuckled.

I was snapped out of my thoughts with the dragons paw moving to squash me, I managed to escape but my right wing didn't. Surprisingly I could hear a faint voice, it sounded like... Virgil? I had to stop thinking about him, right now I needed to move, and fast I might add.

"Awe, is the poor baby trapped," Deceit spoke with such mockery.

That's when I snapped, I had enough of this tomfoolery. This ended here and now. The dragon moved it's foot, Deceit screeched. Funny, I thought I attacked the dragon... That's it! Deceit absorbed Virgil's soul! If the dragon gets hurt so does he! I can use this against him can't I?


What in the world was that? Never mind I have to focus on the task at hand, defeating this large beast that was once Virgil. I ran at the beast with everything I could, slowly coming to terms with the fact the this thing was much larger than me. By the time I got to it I was about the size of its toe, I also noticed how the room changed from nice and cozy, to a dragon's cave. Thomas' mind really was magical. I scratched the dragon's leg, blood seeped from the wound. I looked to Deceit who seemed to be clutching his leg mumbling under his breath.

So I did find a flaw in Deceit's plan?

Yeah you did, now maybe you should attack him while he's weak instead of standing there, eh (Y/n)?

I swear I'm starting to hear things. It sounded like Virgil was trying to give me some good advice. Oh crab-cakes! I should attack while the dragon's weak!

I looked to my wings, I don't know if they'll work or not but it's worth a shot. I flapped my wings, eventually falling to a pattern.







I started flying as fast as I could towards the dragon's eyes, maybe if I clawed out the eyes Deceit would loose control. I mean as soon as Deceit took control his eyes glowed green and yellow after all. Debating which eye I should destroy first Deceit yelled

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" He then began laughing,

Ignoring his warning I attacked the yellow eye, It began bleeding a yellow goo, the weird part was it was a florescent yellow.

"Now look what you have done (Y/n), you unleashed it's full power" Next thing I know I see the dragon disappear and Deceit fall to the floor, he wasn't breathing.

I did it! I killed the beast! Wait... Shouldn't Virgil be back, I mean his soul is free right?

Sadly not (Y/n), I would head downstairs if I were you...

I was filled with panic, rushing out of Virgil's room and down the stairs where I was greeted with a large purple snake, one green eye the other yellow, Logan morphing into something, Patton crying, and Roman... w-was he... dead?

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