What... Just happened?

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Thomas' P.O.V

   What was that? I ask myself.

   Maybe Logan will know... Logan always knows. I get out of bed checking the clock.

Weird... It's three A.M

   Forgetting about the alarm clock I enter the mind palace. I'm greeted by a cold feeling. Not a calculation cold feeling that's normally here, but a feeling of utter fear.

"You're up early," Patton states, clearly out of it.

"Yeah, my alarm clock went off earlier than it was supposed to," I say trying to seem energetic

"Listen kiddo, I'm worried about you," Patton hesitates before asking, "Are you scared of something?"

"Well I had a nightmare..." I say, man I sound childish

   Patton's gaze softened ever so slightly. He patted the chair next to him, motioning me to sit by him.

"Tell me about, would you?" He seemed a little on edge, but caring as ever.

"Well... Virgil, Roman, and Deceit died," Patton's eyes grew wide "Then the rest of you disappeared"

   Patton seemed terrified, on the verge of tears terrified. He started mumbling things to himself. I managed to make out things like "It couldn't have been true," "Was (Y/N) trying to say something," "How could I not have noticed, I'm her father," and finally the one that really scared me "What if she was showing us the future..."

   Patton got up and walked upstairs towards the other rooms. Ever so silently I followed him. Patton snuck up the steps towards Virgil's room, opening the door quietly. I saw Virgil on his bed holding a bottle of pills about to open it. Patton rushed over to Virgil and smacked the bottle out of his hands.

"I won't let you go through with this Virgil!" He screamed 

   Virgil seemed really confused, while Patton seemed even more scared than before.

"She was... Oh no... That means that..." He muttered.

So was (Y/N) really showing us the future? Or was this just a coincidence?


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