Roman's in love?

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

   I hugged deceit tightly after waking up, he was crying after all. He was sobbing onto my shirt, mumbling about how much he hated his job and how sorry he was. Over all the commotion however, I saw Roman running over to Virgil. Oh if this is going where I think it's going I am about to squeal. Or the "proper" term, fan-girl!

Virgil's P.o.V

   He was pathetic! He acts like we're in the wrong here! Deceit is such a-

My thoughts were interrupted by me being tackled by Roman.

"What's this for princey?" I asked, clearly irritated

"I almost lost you Virge... I'm not going to lose you again" He said, pulling me into a tight hug

   I was blushing furiously, but I wasn't going to let him see that. Wait... "VIRGE"? He called me by my nickname! This is to much to handle, this has to be an impostor. Secretly, I kind of hope this really is Roman.

   I hugged him tighter, I gave him a kiss on the lips and got up. He was now the one beet red, Virgil 1: Roman 0. I thought to myself

   Now back to that backstabbing soggy tatter-tot...

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