Well that was...

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-Remember Y/N doesn't know about Deceit's plan because they were with Virgil-

(F/A) Favorite accessory

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I hope Virgil's ok. He seemed so... tense. I know he represents anxiety and everything but he can relax around us, we don't judge. Well, Patton told me that the other sides don't judge but what if he was hiding something. I love dad with almost all my heart but I feel like he is keeping something from me, something dark.

"Virgil? (Y/N)? Are you coming down for brunch?" I heard dad yell from downstairs

From across the hall, I heard Virgil say that he'll be down in a minute, so about like ten minutes, I was about to head downstairs when I realized that I forgot my special (F/A). Patton gave it to me on my birthday two years ago. I never go anywhere without it, it means to much. After grabbing my (F/A) I ran out of my room, into Patton's, down the hallway, and down the stairs. I was greeted by the smell of pumpkin spice pancakes. Oh, how I love that smell! Oh gerd, I sound like a five-year-old, sniffing the air and all that. After, you know, sniffing the air I looked at the group of three. The three being Roman, who was busy checking his Instagram page, Logan, who was staring at Patton, and Patton who was setting down pumpkin spice pancakes onto the table.

Being the shipper I am I whispered to Logan, "If you like him so much, kiss him" I immediately saw a blush rise to his checks.

"You're, as much as I hate to say this, c-correct..." He stood up and walked over to Patton

"Oh, Logan you scared me there I didn't see you walk up to-" Logan cut him off by kissing him.


There was utter silence as the two pulled apart and started blushing madly. So cute! Patton was a stuttering mess while Logan stood there happy as could be.

"I-I-I love you t-too L-logan," Patton managed to get out

Welp Logicality has clearly sailed! Well, that was great I have to say. I looked over to Roman who I had forgotten existed he was staring at the two lovebirds smiling, I swear I heard him whisper I knew it was going to happen eventually. I knew he shipped it!

-Time Skip- (Brought to you by America's favorite fighting Frenchman)

After Logan and Patton calmed down I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. I looked over to see Virgil.

"Hey, sleepy head! You feeling good enough for pancakes!" I yelled to him

At the mention of pancakes, Virgil perked up. He was always a sucker for pancakes, the fluffiness, and tastiness. Man now I'm making myself hungry. Virgil sat down beside me grumbling about how hungry he was. Now I may have been raised to be polite, but food is food. My eyes turned to slits as soon as everyone was done with grabbing their pancakes, I quickly grabbed the plate with the last ten pancakes and just tore through it finishing first. Everyone, except Patton who just continued eating, stared at me like how in the world did she eat that fast? Simple, when food is involved, there are no limits.

Patton's P.O.V

I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss that Logan gave me, he's such a cutie patooty! Why someone as amazing as him kissed me I didn't know, but it was great none the less! I won't let him live it down though, I won't be mean about it either, that would just be, well... Mean! anyways I have to focus, deceit has been trying to take over and capture (Y/N). I've had Roman put a protection spell On (Y/N)'s room after last night's, encounter. What he wants with her I don't know.

(A/N) Hey guy, gals, and non-binary humans. I am not against Gays or anything I just like to write using a girl character! Trust me I for one am Pan and part of LGBTQ, so please don't be mad I will eventually go through this and make it multi-gender!


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