Why is deceit...

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Due to recent times I am allowing you all to see my darling cat! May you're day be better than it was before!

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

It was about one o' clock in the morning and I woke up to a shadowy figure standing by my bed holding, ropes? I was terrified, so like a smart person, I slapped the weird figure then turned on the lights. to see...

"Deceit? What are you doing here?" I asked

Deceit looked at me like he was a deer caught in headlights. "U-uh I was j-just, FIXING YOUR DRAPES"

He was clearly lying, I guess it can't be helped "That's obviously not what your doing, don't lie to me."

He looked like he was going to lie again but he did something surprising "Fine... I was going to kidnap you and hold you, hostage, to tear the other sides apart"

"At least you were truthful," I said "Speaking of which... How did you get in here?"

"I have access to all the rooms in the mind palace, weird right?" He said kinda embarrassed

Deceit seemed to catch onto his awkwardness and left. I was way too tired to be worried about him coming back and kidnapping me so I just went back to sleep.

-Time skip to morning- (Brought to you by BREATHIN re-done my Thomas Sanders)

Virgil's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of pots banging downstairs. Gerd, can anyone be quite anymore... Nevermind. Ignoring the STUPID LOAD POTS from downstairs I got up to get a shower. I turned on the hot water and well, showered. After that, I dried off and grabbed my shirt, pants, socks, and my hoodie. I got dressed and grabbed my eyeshadow, applying it carefully, making sure I didn't look like someone punched my eye but just so I looked good.

Knock Knock

"Who's there?" I asked

"It's (Y/N)!" I hear a yell

"Come in, it's unlocked," I stated

"Cool, so why did you miss breakfast?" They asked

"I missed breakfast?" I asked

"Yeah! Have you checked the time?" They said pointing to the clock

Holy shivacado! 12:00 pm?! Why did I sleep in so late? Man, I just lost so much of my day by sleeping! How's everyone? Are they okay? Why didn't they wake me up? I was beginning to think that the other sides didn't want me.

"Virgil? Are you ok?" (Y/N) asked

"Do you care about me?" I asked on the verge of tears

"Of course I do! You need to calm down! Don't freak out about waking up late, we did call for you. You just slept in longer than we thought, that's why we're making brunch! So you get breakfast for lunch!" (Y/N) told me to help calm me down

"r-really?" I stuttered

"Of course!" They said smiling

Man, I'm really starting to like (Y/N)

Deceit's P.O.V

-During Virgil's P.O.V-

Why did I tell them what I was doing? I could've just knocked them out and taken them hostage right there! I was being so stupid! Argh! There is something about them that makes me, gag, kind... I mean if you count not kidnapping someone as nice then yeah, I'm being nice. I do need them to beat the other sides though, it's not a one-person battle. I know what your thinking, but no, not in the kiss, kiss fall in love kind of way. The, I need you so I can kill almost everybody else, kind of way. I didn't get them last night though...

I'll just try again later. MWAHAHA

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