10. Escape

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Newt pov:
Bugger I need to find Bella , who knows what's gonna happen to her. Why did Mr Graves want to know what she saw?

The two workers took Tina and myself through a few corridors towards a room that had a large pool of some sort of reflective dark liquid. A chair was levitating over it. A death potion maybe?

"Please ,don't do this, Bernadette,please..." Tina tried to plead, her eyes still red from the tears she shed earlier. This is all my fault , no one needed to be punished because of me, not Tina, not Jacob and certainly not Bella.

"It don't hurt" the short lady said in reassurance as she took us to our death. The one escorting me took me to the side. Tina was staring to cry again as she saw her faith, the guilt was eating me alive. I have just doomed two innocent wizards. Tina looked back at me, and then back down to the liquid. I blinked away the tears that threatened to leave my eyes. I needed to be strong . I Need to find away to escape.

The worker brought her wand up towards Tina's temple as she continued to breathe erratically. I watched as the lady took Tina's memory out of her head and Tina's cries ceased. I couldn't help and watch in curiosity at this, the way our lives will be ended. The worker took the memory as it flowed at the edge of her wand and she tossed it into the reflective water. Images started to appear as well as a voice being heard. The images carried on, I saw that Tina was calm now and was smiling.

"Don't that look good?" The woman asked in a tone of encouragement.
"Yes" Tina said in a whisper , like she was in a trance, completely forgetting that her life was gonna end.
"You wanna get in? Huh?" Tina nodded at the woman.

So that's how it works, the memories taken from the person are like a way of luring and calming the person putting them in the trance as they face their faith. The chair that was levitating in the middle of the pool slowly moved towards the edge. At this moment I felt movement in my pocket, I looked down to see Pickett.

Yes of course, I quickly whispered Pickett to grab his attention , he looked up to me , I indicated to him with my eyes to pick the lock of my restraints behind my back. Pickett nodded to me and began making his way to my cuffs. I looked up to see Tina was already in the chair as it levitated over the pool and she was looking down at the memories playing right before her eyes.

I couldn't help my curiosity as I saw a memory that looked recent , there was a lady who was preaching on the steps outside the bank. She had a belt in her hand and a boy was sitting down in sadness. In the memory Tina used her magic on the woman and she was now sitting next to the boy , telling him it was ok.

 In the memory Tina used her magic on the woman and she was now sitting next to the boy , telling him it was ok

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I looked down over my shoulder to check on how Pickett was doing, as I could feel him walk past my palm. Hearing the click sound I knew I was free.

Perfect timing

" okay let's get the good stuff out of you." The worker next to me said , but before she could lift her wand to my temple I jumped back and took out the Swooping evil that was hanging off my finger. Pickett was on the womans jacket, I quickly tossed the swoop in evil and it flew over the surface of the liquid releasing it. Using the handcuffs like a whip I hit the one worker knocking him out.

Always ~Newt Scamander ✔️Where stories live. Discover now