Chapter 3

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  • Dedicado a Jason Berrier, the best gamer I know

When Andrew got back to his home, he found he was so tired. Surprisingly, it was 10:00 at night, which is way past Andrew's bedtime! Andrew stepped out of his bedroom closet where the portal was, and entered the interior of his room. At that moment, Andrew's mother rushed into where Andrew was, almost out of breath. “Honey, where have you been? I haven't seen you since 2 PM!” she shouted. As you can tell,  she was very concerned about her son. Andrew said he had been running back and forth between watching TV in the basement and going to friends houses. He remembered Eon telling him not to tell anyone he was a skylander, and Andrew thought that was the best reply. “Lay down in your bed and go to sleep,” instructed Andrew's mother. That reminded Andrew of Eon so well, all of his instructing the first day of his adventure. So he did so, because he was tired from seeing all of the skylanders. But, he also did not want to go to sleep because he was eager to start his fighting skills, and maybe could thrust some kicks and punches at home. Then again, Andrew was tired, so he took option one, hopped in bed, and drowsed to sleep.


Andrew slept very soundly that night. He dreamed about starting his training. Maybe it would be mastering powers. Maybe it was all about being able to perform magic tricks that could be used against the forces of evil. But Andrew knew, even during his dream wonderful, that he would find out in the morning.

Andrew woke up the next morning and stretched. Arm over arm. Squat. Squat. Arm over arm. Now was feeling really good, as well as really exited. He couldn't wait to start his training as a skylander. He remembered the day he got his first skylanders game: Skylanders Spyros Adventure. He remembered being so delighted! All he did that day was play the game. He loved placing the intricately designed skylander figurines on the glowing portal of power and upgrading their powers using loot hidden in the game- which took place in the "fictional" world of Skylands. Well, Andrew felt that exact same feeling now. This was a once in a life time experience! Andrew happily walked down the steps, leading to the open, painted kitchen.

“Good morning!” said Andrew's mom in a cheery way.

“Good morning back to you!” replied Andrew, already cheery.

“How did you sleep?”

“Well, I dreamed about becoming a skylander!”



“You know that will never happen. Right?”

“I know indeed.”

Andrew's mother looked surprised. “If you say so. Would you like some breakfast?”

“Yes please! I'm as hungry as wolf! Can you please fix me a bagel with cream cheese on top?”

“On its way!”

Andrew knew inside his head that he did become a skylander, and becoming one actually could happen. But today was the day he would start to find his powers invested deep inside himself. But in the future, he fight alongside the rest of the skylanders against Kaos! Andrew just couldn't wait, and felt like he would explode of exitement! Just then, his bagel topped with cream cheese sipped on to the table, and slid in front of him. “Eat your breakfast sweetie,” said Andrew's mom. Andrew delightfully ate his toasted, warm bagel topped with creamy, sweet, cream cheese. When he was done, he thanked his mother for preparing his morning meal, and happily skipped upstairs to get dressed.

Andrew slipped on a black cotton t-shirt with his school logo on it and baggy jeans. He stepped into his closet and easily found his portal Eon gave him. Andrew draped the curtains and found the portal glowing and switching between many different colors. Andrew knew starting his training would be alright as he stepped on his own portal and instantly popped in Skylands. "That was easy," Andrew thought.


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