Chapter 5

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  • Zadedykowane Jason Berrier, the best gamer I know

"No!" Andrew shouted confidently. "You won't rule any world for all I know!" Kaos ran up to him and almost punched him, but Andrew said "Magic Rise!" and he put Kaos to sleep. "Well done, young Skylander. Let's get out of here while we can." said Eon. The two ran away from the training field and split up to warn the other skylanders that Kaos had returned. Then, all of the skylanders circled around Kaos while he was sleeping- attacks planned and ready to fight.


Once Kaos woke up, he noticed the skylanders were circled around him. The skylanders grunted with anger at him, waiting for Kaos to make the first attack. Instead, Kaos rose himself up like he was giving an important speech to the skylanders. "Well, well. Lookie here. Look at you skyloosers, all grumpy and hopeless. Even if your not feeling that way, you should be." shouted Kaos with an evil smirk on his face. He pointed to Andrew. "I've been watching this one, and he's not a real skylander!" Everyone gasped except Eon, Andrew, and Kaos. "He's from the planet called Earth, where the portal masters live!" All eyes turned towards Andrew. Andrew frowned. Kaos gave a little evil chuckle. He pointed to Andrew. "I've been watching this one, and I know how he's getting here! May I present, the evil human portal." Kaos emphasized the last four words. "I'm going to set these evil portals all around Earth. Once human flesh touches any one of these evil portals, they'll be infused with dark energy and belong to me. Once they belong to me, I have the power to tell them anything I want, but I'll mostly tell them to attack YOU. So soon you'll be outnumbered and have to surrender, and I'm hoping the ruler of Earth will have to as well." Kaos laughed hysterically. "My world's ruler will never surrender to you, and we won't either! Right fellow skylanders?" Andrew shouted loudly so all skylanders could hear. "Yeah!" All of the skylanders cheered. "Your portals are no match for us! Besides, they may not even work anyway." Andrew scoffed while the other skylanders nodded in agreement. "Oh really?" Kaos said with a thick tone of question in his voice. "Then let's try it. ON YOUR PARENTS." Andrew began to sob. "No! Not Mommy and Daddy! No! NO!" Andrew said this as he began to break free of tears and cried like rain. As Andrew sobbed, Kaos showed footage from a high-definition camera he placed in Andrew's parent's bedroom in the air. Using dark magic, Kaos placed a portal just like Andrew's in front of Andrew's parent's bed. Andrew's parents came in to the room and walked towards the portal until they were a foot away from it.

"Honey, do you know what this is?" asked Andrew's Dad.

"No." replied Andrew's mom.

"Have you ever seen it?"

"Never in my life!"

"What is it?" 

"Looks like a portal to me."

"Where do you think it leads?"

"Only one way to find out."

Kaos was laughing by the second. He was so delighted to see his plan succed in front of his eyes. "NO! DON'T STEP ON IT MOMMY! DON'T DO IT DADDY! NOOOO!" Andrew shouted like he was using all the breath in his lungs . He sobbed so hard like a rainstorm. Loud shrieks and screams came from Andrew's Parent's bedroom and faster than a racing cheetah, Andrew's parents appeared in Skylands with purple skin and ripped clothes. The two humans were now Kaos-controlled mind lost zombies. "And to show you their true power, I'll give you a free demonstration." Kaos said with a pint of anxiety. Using his dark magic, Kaos summoned a dark purple training dummy, just like the ones on the training field- where Andrew learned the true power of the magic he held inside of him. "Attack the training dummy, you two." Kaos instructed, looking towards both of them as he spoke. Andrew's Mom and Dad nodded solemnly. First, Andrew's Mom kicked it 3000 yards away towards the skylanders, knocking Drobot, Dune Bug, Gill Grunt, Terrafin, Smolderdash, and Tree Rex on their bellies. Then, Andrew's Dad punched the training dummy so hard, it burst apart and the remaining parts spilled all over Andrew. Both of Andrew's parents rushed towards Kaos' sides. Kaos was laughing so hard, a puddle of tears had formed beneath him. "Now that you know the true power of these evil portals, I'll give you a choice. If you surrender to me, I won't put the evil portals on Earth and return this skylander's parents," He pointed at Andrew. "to normal and erase their memories so they won't recall anything that happened just now. But, If you refuse this wonderful offer, I'll put evil portals on Earth in the best places I can find and use the humans to attack you skyloosers, and rule both Skylands and Earth. So, what's it gonna be?"


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