Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Jason Berrier, the best gamer I know

"It felt really good, receiving my power in Skylands."

This is what Andrew thought after returning from Skylands yesterday. But today he would start his training today. Maybe he had received them already. Andrew was already in mystical Skylands, and Eon wasn't here yet. So he tried to test some sort of power in the open battleground he was standing in. He tried to unleash an army of bony undead vines in front of him. It did not happen. He tried to make an earth fort of protecting mountains, but that did not happen either. He even tried making a magic wall- made of pure magic that could be used as a forcefield. The ground was stationary. Andrew felt really disappointed. Had he not received his powers? If he had not, how come? He was pretty sure Eon "hereby declared" that Andrew was a skylander, hence he received powers. What was going on? Andrew put the thought aside and saw On walking up to him from the west.

Eon did his usual "Welcome Skylander!" once Andrew was face to face with Eon and Eon was explaining how wonderful it was today. It really was, it felt like the middle of spring temperature-wise. How wonderful! Andrew thought. Doing my work in this lovely weather! Then, Eon explained Andrew's assignment. "Your assignment today is to start your fighting. It seems you now know about the other skylanders and what they do, so I think you are ready to start fighting. After all, you never know when Kaos is going to start his attack on us. So let me take you to the training dummies and you can begin."

Andrew was taken to a large, open field full of hay-filled training dummies. At first, he kicked and punched them with all his might- surprising Eon. "Did you know you could do better than thaat?" Eon asked him. "Yeah, probably." Andrew replied with a sigh. "I don't know why I should be a skylander if I'm not even good at fighting. Heck, maybe I should join the wrestling team back in my hometown on Earth." Andrew frowned. "No you're not! You've come so far!" said Eon, trying to cheer Andrew up. "I just haven't told you the secret yet!" Andrew lightened up the moment Eon said that. "Secret?" Andrew asked, surprised. Oh, Andrew was so happy to find out he could do better than his punches and kicks. "Yes! Yes! I brought you here to teach you some of the magical attacks invested in you, Magic Man. Now that you have learned about the skylanders, your ready to become one! Haven't I told you that already?" exclaimed Eon cheeringly. "Here, try this first. Pretent your holding a ball with your hands, then slowly make a space between your hands, like the 'ball' is getting bigger. After that, there should be a purple magical orb between your hands. Finally, pull it back and try throwing it at a training dummy." Andrew did exactly what Eon had told him, and voila! Andrew could now throw magical purple orbs! He threw one, two, three magical orbs in a row at three different training dummies! Oh, Andrew was so exited! "Now, remember yesterday when you were able to meet all the different elements of the skylanders? Whenever you need a sheild, you can use that! Magic Man, your a special skylander and represent all of the skylanders. You have all the elements in your powers! So, whenever you need to attack, you can say an element and then say 'rise!' Here, I'll throw an orb at you, and you can try using the magic words as a sheild." Andrew tried it. "Undead rise!" An army of little bony skeletons surrounded him, and they were running towards Eon. The shield was a little late, and Andrew got hit. "OW!" Andrew screamed. "Your alright," said Eon happily. "That orb only had 5 damage, you can get back up real easily!" A dark cloud was approaching, and Andrew saw it with his perriferal vision. "Try again."Andrew said "Life rise!" and an army of thin green vines surrounded Andrew like a forcefield. He raised the wall a bit to early, but now that he knew the orb had little damage, he was determined to keep going. The next few tries, Andrew said "Water Rise!" and 5 tsunamis raged around Andrew, "Earth Rise!" made instant mountains with stone spikes and also formed a circle around him. "Tech Rise!" enabled Andrew to get in a suit of indestructable gears. He raised these walls just in time, and thought he was ready to attack Kaos. The dark cloud that Andrew saw earlier was inching its way like a caterpillar closer and closer. Then, that dark cloud soon hovered over Andrew and Eon. Lightning struck.

"Oh no!" Andrew said while shivering. "W-W-What are we going to do?" Kaos suddenly flashed before Andrew and Eon as quick as lightning. To add more dramatic effect, thunder boomed like a car traveling on a very bumpy road. Andrew screamed with horror. "Oh little skyloser!" Kaos chuckled with glee. "What a joy! A skylander is finally scared of me! Guess I've proved that everyone should be scared of me, for I'm ruling Skylands now! And guess what? Wait for it... Wait for it... another world too!"

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