Chapter 8

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When Eon, Flynn, and Andrew got to the Trap Team base, all of the skylanders were SUPER happy to see Andrew. "We've heard so much about you!" they exclaimed with great joy. "The hero of skylands is now among us!" Eon quieted all of the trap team skylanders at once. "Now, now, we don't have much time. I'm sure your all aware of what's going on with Kaos' return. He has been using the humans to help him take over Skylands and now most of the human race is here. The thing is, the "humans" are now-" Andrew interrupted, "Kaos-controlled crazy pyscho zombie FREAKS!" Eon sighed. "Yes, that too" he said. "Trap team, we need your help." Andrew knew he had too pay close attention, for Andrew would be used in this plan frequently. "We all know how you guys can trap Kaos, right?" Eon asked, gesturing to all of the trap team skylanders. All of the trap team skylanders nodded. "Well, we're going to need to do exactly that, but Kaos is going to need to be distracted. Flynn, do you have a battle plan that we can use?" Flynn jumped at the words "battle plan," smiled, and walked confidently up to where Eon was standing. "Okay everyone! Just know that this battle plan was thoroughly thought out, so you can trust me. Right now, the swap force and all the other skylanders are battling the Kaos zombies, or however Andrew put it. You guys are going to need to trap the Kaos zombies, it will basically be the same as trapping other villians." Flynn took a deep breath. A voice from the crowd shouted out, "But we're going to need a portal master to complete the villian trapping process!" Flynn's eyes showed that he had that factor covered. "Well, I'm glad you said that, because that's where Andrew comes in. Andrew is a portal master, and he was given the ability to trap villians in Skylands once he touches a villian, right Andrew?" Andrew's face heated up with embarrasment, but apparently Eon had him covered. "Andrew, that ability was given to you when you first got here. Every real human being who comes to Skylands imediately receives the ability to trap villians." Andrew sighed with relief. Touching a villian would be easy, right? Flynn continued with his battle plan. "So, trap team, are we ready to go fight some Kaos zombies?" Flynn smiled as the trap team skylanders cheered. The cheering went on for two minutes straight, and wouldn't let Flynn finish the speech! But, Flynn's final words of the speech were just, "Then let's board my ship!"

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