Chapter 12

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"We all have had an interesting experience today." That's how Andrew decided to begin his speech, and the skylanders and humans nodded. "Some of us have fought as hard as we ever had, and some of us think we have suffered alsheimers. But we all learned something today. Some of us learned about Skylands, and learned about all of the Skylanders that live here. And some of us have learned about humans, or as us Skylanders say, 'portal masters'" With Eon's assistance, Andrew returned back to human form, and everyone, including the skylanders, gasped. "My name is Andrew Smith. It looks like some of you don't know about my human form. Some of you might not believe a tiny kid like me fought alongside these so-called 'monsters', but my fellow humans now know that they're our allies. Apparently, I'm the reason you guys are together right now. You would probably say I saved the world. But, I actually saved two worlds. Sure, I can be proud of it, but I learned so much from my journey. I learned about battle plans. I learned about Skylands. I learned about dark magic. I learned even more about Skylanders. And I even learned so much about my so-called enemy. But, I just want to share some 'words of wisdom' with you all. There is one thing, to say, here are three words for you: Make a difference. Maybe your just a human, and think your one in a tens and hundreds of millions. But your unique, and you were put in this universe for a reason. You don't have to make a difference in a big group. You can if your able to. But making a difference can just mean making something easier for someone, and we all know what we can do to do that. So why not live in a universe of peace, because you can do that by making a difference." Andrew smiled and looked at Kaos. Then he turned to Eon, who nodded at Andrew. "Eon, can you do the honors of opening a portal back to Earth?" Andrew asked. Eon smiled and said, "Of course, Andrew J. Smith." The round, lighted portal opened and the humans jumped in. Eon so kind that each of the humans spawned back in their homes. Andrew's parents ran up to Andrew. "Honey, we're so proud of you." Andrew's mother sweetly said. "But you should've told us you discovered this place. It's full of wonders!" Andrew's father half scolded, half praised. Andrew smiled. "If you guys knew, the outcome of this wouldn't have been as adventorous." Andrew laughed, and his parents tagged along in the laughter. "Now, let's go home." Andrew's dad stated. Kaos put his hand on Andrew's shoulder and Andrew turned around. "Hey, Kaos!" Andrew said with cheer. "Andrew. I can't thank you enough for helping me realize I can be good. I don't know what I would do without you. And if there's another Skylanders game, ask my creators if they can make me be a good guy, will you?" Kaos smiled warmly. "Absolutely," Andrew replied, and gave Kaos one last hug. Eon joined in the hugging, yelling "group hug!" as the skylanders joined in as well. "We'll miss you here in Skylands, Andrew." Eon said. "Keep your portal, we love visits!" Eon chuckled and Andrew chuckled, too. "I've turned all the dark portals into portals to come to Skylands." Kaos said. He felt proud of this change. Andrew smiled. "I will miss you all." he said. And reader, the story ends with two words: "Good Bye."

A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you all so so so so so so so much for reading! I hope evryone learned a little bit of something about Skylanders and also maybe got inspired a little bit! I literally cried writing chapter 11, maybe you did too. Hope you enjoyed the Also, thank you all so much for all the reads! I'll be starting a sequel soon, and comment what you think of this book! Thanks so much! You can also turn to the acknowledgements page for a little bit of extra information about me!
As always, thank you for your love and support!!


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