September 9: Lets Acknowledge Some Peeps

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Hey my beautiful people! I wanted to check what the stats were, I had no clue it existed but now I do, so it's pretty cool. Here is what I got: 

49 Views Thank you again, guys

4 Votes   Thank you so much for voting

10 Comments   I love reading your comments guys

A lot of people from America and Australia. Awesome!

67% of the gender is mostly private but 33% are girlsCool to know.

I also want to give a shout out to a few people: 

DeathWolfGamer, thank you for your awesome comments and answer my daily questions I appreciate it. 

Kirishimaunbreakable, thank you for actually reading my August post, that was the best surprise ever.

And to anyone else who has also been reading my posts. Thank you. It means so much to me that I have such awesome people out there.

Here is another few presents I want to give yay guys:

My favorite video of Edd and Kevin. <3

A little story of Kiri and Bakugou:

Kiri woke up slowly smelling burnt sugar. Caramel?  He shifted about but heard a groan from beneath him. His eyes grew wide as they went down to see what was underneath him. It wasn't just a bed he was on top of, but also a bare ab person.

The groan is heard again, "Grrragh, sh1tty drinks. What the hell am... Shima?"

Sh1t. Kirishima slowly moved his head upward to see a red-faced Bakugou. They made eye contact, and Kiri tried to jump away pulling Katsuki down with him. "Whaaaaa!!" 

Bakugou fell on top of Kirishima, blankets wrapping them together. Their faces only inches away, Bakugou's arms on either side of Kiri's face, and his arms tied to Bakugou's waist. Their pupils staring at each other, frozen in time.

"So. Uuuuuuh." Kiri looks around at the room they're in, "morning?"


Do you remember what exactly happened last night? Like anything.?

Bakugou looks back at him his, "do you?"


Thank God, Bakugou sighed, trying to sit up. "We were having drinks with your extras, and you, Pikachu, and Pinky had a drinking challenge. Alien queen won, but you were really drunk, and.." one of his memories flashback to yesterday, Kiri's hips swaying as he grinds with him, Bakugou shook it away, "and I was a little drunk too... but I thought I took you back to your dorm. Guess not."

"Oh." Kiri mumbled voice shivered in disappointment, making Katsuki shiver as he struggled out of the blanket.

It took a few minutes to actually get out of the blanket, rolling on the floor. Both blushing on an ever awkward position they were in until finally free from it.

Bakugou groaned out in relief as he stretched, standing up, "Finally." he reached out a hand to the Kirishima, who was still on the floor, "Come on." Kirishima takes his hand and is lifted back up, he stumbles and Bakugou catches him.

"Careful," Bakugo ordered, clinging to his waist.

"Thanks." His hands were running up Bakugou's shoulders, trembling slightly.

Does he want me to kiss him? Bakugou huffed in annoyance, "Well?"

Kiri looked up innocently and confused by what he said, "Well what?"

I'll fking kill him, "Do you want to kiss me or not?"

"WHA?" Kirishima starting blushing furiously, "But-areyougayorareyoubeingfunnyorareyoustillhungover,didImaybebump yourheadontosomething?"

Bakugou stared amused at this rambling red flame in front of him. And hugged Kiri's waist pulling him closer, Eijouri not even resisting. As their lips met each other, he kissed Kiri him hard and fast. Releasing him afterward. A bewildered red face Kiri staring at him.

He smirked, "Good huh?"

Kiri shooked his head, his sunshine smile growing, "No its fine. It's great actually."

Bakugou's rare smiled grew also, "Thought so."

And yeah. That's it for now. hope you guys are having fun. 

Love you all! Be bold. Be beautiful!

Question of the day: Who is your favorite ship from any fandom?

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