Ode to Michigan

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Ode to Michigan 

You are delicate..

But you are also a crazy emotional wreck.

I know you've been wallowing with Mother Nature about your weather issues

but Mich, sweet state, 

You need to pull yourself together and move on.

Cause if ya don't,

We might lose power or get flooded by your tears again.

So yes. You are delicate.

But I still love you, Michigan.

Yep. That's a "poem" for my home state. It's insane here and I'm going through that time so this weather is not helping me. And my friend has my computer charger so my computer might die tomorrow. Yay. Fun. Love my procrastination and stuff. 

Anyways, I hope you guys are doing better. Stay true and yourself!!

Question of the day: Any plans for homecoming or cominghome? Also does anyone know what hairstyle goes well with short hair?

Love you guys!! 

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