Hate to Love You pt. 2

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I'm highkey excited for this one! It's not at all like the original idea I had for a part 2 but I assure you it's A LOT better lmao. Also it seems random at first but I promise it links to the part one lol. Hope you enjoy!

"That banner is literally upside down!"

You sighed with exasperation at the men in front of you. It was a simple mistake, and easily rectified, but you'd had a morning full of simple mistakes that could call your professionalism and the success of the whole event into question and you were exhausted. You could only imagine how you'd feel when the event was actually under way.

The men apologised hastily and rectified their error. You sighed your own apology in return for snapping, and updating your Sigh Count to approximately 24869.

This event meant so much to you. Having left university two years ago you'd teamed up with three friends to found a small business organising events for charities, and somehow you'd been nominated CEO. Your business had grown steadily, but this - your passion project - was a huge leap up in both scale and complicatedness. Was complicatedness even a word? Your brain felt like it was being compressed by an army of angry leprechauns at this point.

You'd hired out a huge National Trust house, and you had organised for as many children's charities as possible to attend, including some youth groups and similar organisations. You'd also organised for several powerful/influential people from disadvantaged backgrounds to come and talk with and run activities for the children, so including staff you were managing over one hundred people.

Back in the day you'd barely managed to get your homework in on time.

"(Y/n)!" One of your co-founders, Cathy, bustled over. "Everything looks brilliant! The first groups of kids are starting to arrive, we can cover it if you need us to?"

"Oh, no, do you mind taking over here instead? I only have a few items left to check off my list and I really want to be there to greet everyone." You smiled apologetically.

"Of course, I had a feeling you'd say that. This is your baby after all." Cathy grinned as she took the clipboard from your hands. "Now shoo! If you're not speedy enough they'll all have arrived before you can greet them!"

"Thankyou!" You gave her a quick hug before dashing to the entrance hall and sliding in behind the sign in desk. Thankfully you were just in time to say hi to the first group to arrive as they finished registering. You handed the adult responsible for them the lanyards to distribute to the kids and turned your attention to the charity representatives who followed shortly after.

Those at the desk with you took it in turns to guide different groups to the pavilion outside with a brief tour of the rooms in use. The building being so large, this meant that you were often at the desk by yourself, but you didn't mind. You had extra reinforcements for when the groups all began arriving at once.

A tap on your shoulder caused you to tear your attention away from the group of teen carers in front of you, apologising, and turn to Aaron who was stood behind you with a sheepish smile. "I know how stressed out you are and I don't want to add more to your plate, but a quarter of the packed lunches seem to have mysteriously disappeared."

Stifling a scream, you pulled out a pen, grabbed his hand and scribbled a number on it. "Find them, but if you don't, call this number. The suppliers are only ten minutes away."

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