They're Not A Cross Between Flash and Supey

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They're Not A Cross Between Flash and Supey

It's been a week since Edward's been in school so to say that I was shocked to see him in school again is an understatement.

Last week, I kinda got used to there only being four Cullens walking around in the school. I was actually beginning to think that the other guy died or something. I don't know. Maybe eaten by monsters. But then again, the Cullens are already dead so maybe he decided to visit the Underworld.

But that would mean that he has to get past Cerberus. That three-headed dog is sweet and playful, but he takes his job very seriously too. There's no way he's gonna let any of the dead escape. Unless my dad gave him permission to. But then that would mean Hades knows what they are. Maybe he'd tell me. But then again, why would he tell me? I'm curious but I'm sure he wouldn't tell me anything about the Cullens. He's very good at keeping things from me. Either that, or I just don't look hard enough, or ask the right questions.

Yeah, well, I still haven't learnt much about the Cullens aside from the fact that they're the living dead.

I had told Natty about my suspicions. She's never heard of anything like them either. Andi's just as clueless as the both of us in the topic. Well, actually, the two want no extra knowledge about death. They may be what people call 'bad ass' but they're totally afraid of all things related to death. They can hide that fear very well, though. I would never have guessed that they freak out every time I talk about the dead if they hadn't told me. I guess it's one thing that I'm not afraid of that they are afraid of. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm afraid of dying, just like most people. I'm just not afraid of the dead, which apparently my cousins are.

Okay, I really need to stay on topic. Seriously, I should stop rambling and whatever. Maybe it's the ADHD.

Great, I'm doing it again.

Anyway, the day had been pretty boring, aside form the initial shock of seeing that Cullen was back. I decided to further investigate and find out if my theory was correct - that the Cullens were dead. I haven't met Dr. and Mrs. Cullen, but I have a feeling that they, too, are dead like their adopted children.

They look like their adopted children, even though they aren't related. Well, I mean, they're all so pale and, truthfully, very good-looking.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I packed my things made my way to my locker to grab a few things.

I sighed, slamming my locker shut, and headed out of the building.

I frowned when I reached outside. I really should have brought a thicker jacket.

Snowflakes were falling and there were some people having snowball fights.

The next day, I woke up to find a fine layer of snow covering the yard. The road was white and snow dusted the top of my car.

I quickly got ready for school then headed downstairs.

"Morning mom!" I greeted my mom.

"Good morning Lee-Lee," she responded before grabbing her jacket. "I'm going to work now." Then she left.

When she did, my only thought was: Who's going to make my breakfast?

I glanced at my watch and shrugged. I grabbed a box of Fruit Loops and started eating the cereal straight from the box. Hey, I may hate oatmeal, but nothing could make me stop eating Fruit Loops. I drank some orange juice then headed out of the house. The cool air hit my face and I mentally debated whether to feign a fever or actually go to school. Mom already left, so she can't tell me to go to school.

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