The Blue Beanie

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So my story is basically like Cinderella, I have an evil ass of a step mother, Clarise, and her two little princesses, Henrietta and Fiona. I cook, clean everything and anything they tell me to do. My dad died when I was 10 and my real mum died when I was born. We live in a pretty big house, okay, a mansion. But I got the crappiest room in the house, the attic. But I like it there, it's quiet and soundproof. I used some of money from my inheritence to make a recording studio in my room. Dad was a pretty wealthy man and he left me everything he owned, well that's what his attorney said. But I will receive it when I turn 18. So right now, it's under lock and key, away from Clarise's gold digging ass. Clarise thinks she has a spot in my dad's will, but dad requested it to be read when I turn 18, I guess that's why they kept me this long. The cool thing about my house is that 15 minutes away from it is this massive beach. I love going there. It was me and my dad's favourite place.

My life is pretty much hell, but not for so long. After this last year of high school, I'm going to the Berklee College of Music in New York. Thousands of miles from this hell hole. Well, if I get accepted. I sing, play guitar, drums, piano, saxophone and can be a mean DJ. 

Oh, sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Julianna, Julianna Knight.  I'm 17. I'm an A+ student, hence why I get bullied. Right.... I didn't tell you I'm the ass of all jokes at my school, well I am. I'm Asian, well half, my mum's Filippino. I'm the only oriental in my school. I'm a victim of all the Asian stereotype insults, such as, Open your eyes! or Want some rice? and my favourite Hey! Ching chong wing wong wang. Why don't I fight back? I took boxing since I was 3, so if I did, someone would get seriously hurt, and I would probably mess up my chances of getting into Berkely. Plus, I'm also British, so being Asian British is supposedly the most fucked up mix in the entire world, says my fellow classmates.

I'm also a tom boy, as some would like to call it. The uniform at my school is a white button down shirt, read tie and red plait skirt or long pants. I'm the only girl in my school who wears the long pants with converse, the others where mini ass skirts, knee high socks and those prancy girly school shoes. So I pretty much dress up like a guy.

Another reason I get bullied is because I wear the same old blue beanie everyday to school and everywhere else I go. The day before my dad died, he took me to a vintage shop and I immediately fell in love with it. He bought it for me and ever since that day, I never took it off. My peers consider it tacky and ugly. If I ever did take it off, I would tie my hair in a bun. I don't like people looking at my long brownish black hair, which is already up to my bum. I don't want to cut it coz my mums hair was this long when she was my age.

I just ignore those dip shits and focus on what's important, but it's hard, when you got the 5 most popular guys, or gays as I like to call them, cause 99% of the bullying. I've been bullied ever since I was 9. Pretty much after my dad died, people started to push me around and everything went downhill from there. Because of the FURIOUS FIVE (sarcasm) I used to cut myself. Ever since my dad died, I felt so useless so I resorted to cutting myself. I still do sometimes, especially when they bring up family issues that my two step sisters snitch about to the entire school.  And this other girl, Linda (She's head cheerleader) she can't stand me, she is dating Harry, leader of the furious five. So great couple. 

I honestly don't know what I did that annoys them so much. I mind my own business and all but the entire school hates me. The teachers try to help me, but it just makes it worse. I have absolutely have no friends. Well except the house staff and Connor. He's my bestfriend. He is Spanish and American. He has shoulder length hair and he helps me get through my shit hole called life. He goes to another school, unfortunately, and you could say he is my fairy godmother

So yeah, my story is basically like Cinderella, except there are a couple of twists. And I don't loose a glass slipper, or a phone, or a mix tape, but my beautiful blue beanie....

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