Chapter 5

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Normal speech: "hello"
Yelling: 'hello'
Special move "hello"
All Might talk "hello"

Jake POV

What in the world is going on right now why is their so many news report—- oh right All Might teaches here they probably want their grubby hands on anything for this kind of thing. Oh here they come to talk to me let's see what they want.
News Reporter: "Excuse me Your a student at U.A right cause we were wondering what All Might is as a teacher."
Jake: "Why do you care just cause he is the symbol of peace you try and tell him what he can and can't do it is annoying but if you want to know he is a pretty good teacher he teaches hero basics and his class is fun, now get out of my way before I'm late."
Of course this had to happen when I didn't get any sleep why did Monster Man have to show up now I probably look like Aizawa right now.
Izuku: "Jake are you ok it looks like you didn't sleep for like a few days."
Jake: "I'm good just couldn't really sleep cause of the news last night."
Mina: "What about that Monster Man guy he is scary he took on so many pro heroes at once he's dangerous."
I know more than anyone I see Merzon looking at me but I glare at him to tell him not to say anything that could ruin my chances at U.A.
Aizawa: "Settle down the pros will be able to get that guy when he shows up again but for now let's focus on something else like who's the class president is."
Everyone: 'Wow a normal school activity.'
Well that's lame I am going to crash and burn if I'm pres so I'm going to make sure I'm not picked.
Jake: "Before you people start going in depth don't pick me don't vote for me and don't think I'll do this that is all."

-Time skip-

Izuku Midoriya- class President
Momo Yaoyorozu- deputy president
Well that was fun time for lunch the best part of any day. I was just chilling with Izuku Ilda and Uraraka Ian was here to we were kinda paying attention but Ilda is apparently a rich boy and the turbo hero Ingenium which was cool. Than an alarm went of saying their was a security breach level three someone got on to campus. Everyone started to run cause a panic and congest the hall but then I see Ilda flying trough the air.
Ilda: "Everyone it is okay it is just the press there is no need to panic let us act like the best of the best we are."
Ha that's hilarious he looks like an exit sign well back at class Izuku had stepped down from class pres makibg Ilda it then Aizawa went on with something else.
Aizawa: "Before we go on with what we are doing we have a transfer student who is late."
???: "Hey I'm here aren't I as long as I'm there on the same day I'm on time."
That voice and philosophy it's it can't be he disappeared years ago. It's Brandon Yaoyorozu the image summoning nerd.
Jake: "Where have you been you nerd?"
Brandon: "Places."
Jake: "Seems legit."
Momo: "How do you know him Jake and yeah where have you been all this time we have been looking for you."
Jake: "That's surprising you know him but we can talk catch up and such later lets focus on school for now."
Aizawa: "Good cause now we are going to be doing rescue training and for this you can choose if you want to wear your hero suit or not, also we are leaving the school for this so bring what you need."
Neat real hero thing I'm going to take a nap on the bus to be ready for this crap I'm to tried for this.

-time skip to USJ-

We arrived at USJ to see the space hero Thirteen I don't understand stand why he choose to be called that but all well nothing I can do about that I wish All Might where here it would probably be more fun with him here. Thirteen went on and said the power of his quirk and how easily it can be used to kill someone like no way I never thought a black hole could do that. I would go into more but I sense something coming I walk to the stairs that are their everyone looks at me like I'm crazy but Aizawa Ian and Brandon all do the same as a pitch black portal opens up.
Aizawa: "Thirteen keep the students safe keep close together I'll fight them you three go back to." As he puts on his googles
Jake: "As much as I like you Aizawa you can't ha—n——d—le."
He walked out out of everyone who could have come from that portal it had to be him MONSTER MAN
A Pitch black fire surrounds Jake has he sees him pure rage in him.
Jake: 'I don't care what I mean to you all of you I'm fighting Monster Man and none of you are to interfere got that."
As I cause an explosion of black fire sending myself speeding toward him as he slams his hand on to the earth and become a golem.

I land right in his chest with a punch sending him back a good 30 feet then I take out my bloodstone ore and form my crimson blade

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I land right in his chest with a punch sending him back a good 30 feet then I take out my bloodstone ore and form my crimson blade. And begin to slash massive explosion slashes at him causing him to block while taking damage the rest of the villains were busy dealing with the other three I was to focused on the monster in front of me it was his fault him and that she devil that cause my life to be crap it's pay back time.
Monster Man: "Oh come on Jake you can do better then that I know you were trained better then that did you forget I helped with that."
Jake. "And you seem to think I care what you've done."
Monster Man: "You hurt me you only use her quirk but not your other quirk come on boy fight me all out stop holding back your power."—————'YOU DAM SON OF MINE.'
With how he yelled that everyone knows Aizawa Thirteen class 1-A they'll think I'm a monster related to this piece of garbage.
Ian-Brandon:'no way is he finally going to do it.'
Tomura:'we can't let that happen.'"Kirgiri you know what to do."
He nodes and fly's in front of a big blast of lightning from Merzon and has it teleport and his Jake he lets out a huge scream and starts to fall to the floor losing consciousness.

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