Jake's backstory

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Normal speech: "hello"
Yelling: "HELLO"
Special move "hello"
All Might talk "hello"

Third person POV

Almost everyone is up again and talking with each other the only one who is missing is Jake.
Brandon: "Hey Tsu where is Jake?"
Tsu: "He's still sleeping he seemed really tired last night for some reason so I thought he should sleep a little more."
Merzon: "Maybe it was because of him using his quirks new abilities he hasn't trained with it yet."
Everyone nodes their head in agreement Brandon tells Tsu that she should get Jake up since the plan is eat then go to the arcade or mall Tsu leaves to get Jake.
When Tsu gets to their room she opens the door and finds Jakes helmet destroyed on the ground knowing something is wrong heads silently into the room as she gets to the bathroom in here she hears crying.
Jake: "No I'm sorry I didn't want to do it they made me no I can't leave me alone no don't kill her I love her stay away from her."
Tsu Try's to open the door but it's locked she try's to force herself in but the door is made just in case if Jake loses it the door would be hard for even him to break.
Jake: "Why are you doing this what did I do to deserve this someone help me."
Tsu was starting to cry a little at what he could have been through when she finally got into the bathroom she rushed in and hugged Jake trying to calm him down and telling him not to worry that she was here for him Jake starts crying while saying sorry that he's like this and that she can't have a normal hero in training boyfriend.
Tsu: "Jake you can't just keep this to your self you need to tell others or it will destroy you."
Jake: "I know it's just my past is bad I don't want to scar anyone like that."
Tsu: "No one cares we've wanted to know more about you anyway like why you didn't use all your elements or why you avoided using your monster quirk tell everyone so we can understand you."
Jake nodes his head and gets up he washes his face then smiles at Tsu hugs her once more thanking her that she was here for him.
The two came down to the class trying to decide what to have for breakfast but it wasn't going well.
Jake: "Hey guys if you really need it I could cook something up."
Brandon and Merzon fall to the floor in surprise and then after getting up go over to Jake and ask him if he's seriously going to cook with stars in their eyes.
Jake: "How many times to I have to tell you two I'm not the best."
Brandon: "Don't give me that your food is better then what is allowed when you don't use your quirk."
Merzon: "Man it's been to long you never cook anymore and it was the best highlight of my day when you did."
Everyone was surprised by the threes interaction but mostly surprised that Jake could cook. Jake started walking off to the kitchen to begin cooking for breakfast after asking everyone what they wanted.
They waited about ten minutes they Jake came back with a cart that had a whole bunch of food but for some reason had a sad face but most of the class missed it has they went for the food well they pretended they didn't after everyone had their food everyone was about to eat but stopped and looked at Jake. Brandon had also left as he knew what was about to happen but held up dark hole to Jake so he knew he would be listening.
Merzon: "Jake you alright man?"
Deku: "Jake what's going on why do you look so sad?"
Bakugo: "Your really putting a damper on the whole breakfast you made so lighten up."
Jake sighs and puts his plate down and breathes in and out as Tsu sits next to him.
Jake: "I think it's time I told you my past."

-Flash back Jake POV-

When I was four and my quirk manifested I was so happy because my parents were proud of me for getting both of their quirks we even had a little celebration party then my parents trained me on my quirk after they thought I was ready they told me the reason they tried my whole life to convince me that villains are better then the heroes they both were villains them self's I was shocked I didn't know what to do but they started to drag me and tell me and so will you be a villain the biggest to ever live I would be the one to kill All Might and change the world of only the strongest live. I didn't want to but they brought me to the basement and strapped me to a chair then my mother using her mental control basically made me a puppet to bow to her will While my main Conscience took a backseat I thought they would still love me if I stayed like that but I was wrong. They used me to cause havoc one day I had enough and took control of my body again and tried to leave but I noticed something two pictures of my parents but with two other children one boy and one girl. I was thinking did I had a brother and a sister if so where are they I confronted my parents they took me back to the basement but this time they brought torture tools with them as they were torturing me they told me about the other two kids they had and how much of a disappointment the two were one was quirkless the other only got one of their quirks so as they had no use for them they killed the two kids then my mother using her mental powers with my dad acting as an amplifier made me live through my brother and sister's deaths not just see it but feel it from there point of view the pain I felt in that one day was much more then I had ever felt in my life I experienced death so many times that day. When all was said and done





8765 times that day

I was made a puppet once more but after a while I gained control and ran ran to heroes and told them everything I went to the police as well they didn't believe me I mean sure I was only ten at the time but come on in my escape though I was surrounded with villains I made it out but I also lost a limb or two but with my manipulation of life I grew them back.

-End of flash back third person POV-

After Jake was done most of the class was crying at what their classmate was forced to go through Tsu was hugging him to calm Jake down who was crying cause he had to remember each death he experienced that day.

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