Slumper party part 6

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Normal speech: "hello"
Yelling: "HELLO"
Special move "hello"
All Might talk "hello"

Third person POV

After everyone got over with what just happened with Brandon getting a closer look at his power they all notice it's about eight thirty so they all decide to eat.
Jake: "So Yaoyorozus what is for dinner this fine day?"
Brandon: "You want to know let's have a feast shall we?!"
Brandon then throws out cards and when they hit the table all kinds of different food come out.
Brandon: "Let's did in."
All of class 1-A then sits down and eats together and have conversations about life what they want to do what made them come to U.A how they did at the entrance exam Jake tells everyone what he did in it and everyone also listens to what Bakugo and Deku did in theirs with Uraraka agreeing with what Deku said about his exam when Jake noticed something.
Jake: "Merzon jetted on us again didn't he."
Everyone looks around and sees him gone and decides to find out where he is going.
After looking around for sometime they come across a restaurant and they see Merzon there but wait is that a girl he is with he's dating a girl.
Jake: "So this is why he didn't want to go with us for seven minutes in heaven he's got a girlfriend when did this happen?"
Everyone starts to say the same thing when Jake gets an evil smirk he then uses his elements and makes a small drone.
Brandon: "When did you learn to do that?"
Jake: "Your not the only one with different tricks up his sleeve now observe the date drone."
The drone goes invisible and heads inside when another couple left the restaurant.
Inside with Merzon and Yu
Merzon: "How was your day Yu?"
Yu: "Besides from some boring house work and such nothing else what about you boyfriend?"
Merzon sighs at what happened and at what she called him.
Merzon: "Besides the whole going into a friends dreamworld to try and save him from a dragon nothing much."
Yu: "Wow your day had a lot more action then mine almost makes me jealous you ever going to introduce me to those friends of yours sounds like fun?"
Merzon: "They would hound me with questions and you and then get mad at me for not telling them sooner."
Yu laughs a little happy with what she has she then leans over to Merzon and gives him a kiss on the cheek and then sits back down.
Back with the others
Jake: "Dang didn't realize Merzon over there had this much game."
Brandon: "Yeah how long do you think it took him to convince her he was older then he looked?"
Everyone shares a laugh at this but notices them coming out of the restaurant and retreat back to the mansion while Jake forms a plan to mess with Merzon and gets everyone in on it.

-Time skip to Merzon's arrival at the mansion-
Merzon POV

I hope no body is awake or in the living room when I get back I don't want to have to try and explain where I was to them, I open the door to get in but when I do I see Jake in a chair reading something with a single light on as I close the door Jake closes his book at looks up at me then leans forward with his hands on his chin.
Jake: "So Merzon lets have a nice chat."
He said that with a voice they it isn't a choice he motions to a chair and I go sit.
Merzon: "So what did you want to talk about Jake?"'They couldn't have found out could they?"
Jake: "So where were you while we were all eating Merzon?"
He said this with a smirk one he only has when he's made a big plan."
Merzon: sighs "You found out didn't you?"
Jake: "Your dang right I did come on man we all get a girlfriend and here you are not telling us you also had one I thought we trusted each other man."
Merzon: "Don't give me me that trust crap we have known each other for a really long time yet you still don't tell us you have a problem."
Jake: "That's cause you all have your own dreams you don't have time to worry about someone who can handle his problems."
Merzon and Jake start glaring at each other till Jake grins.
Jake: "So Yu is her name right?"
Merzon: "How much did you see?"
Jake then gets his drone and shows Merzon what the drone recorded.
Merzon: "So how many know?"
Jake: "Oh do you mean leaving us to go on a date everyone."
Has he says this the rest of the class come out and start asking Merzon questions about his girlfriend.
After Merzon answered some of the questions but refused to answer anymore every one then goes to their rooms with Jake trying to go to the couch but gets a lecture from Tsu and Momo to sleep in the bed that was prepared for him with his helmet and covers that will stop his quirk from going haywire he goes to the room with his head hung while Tsu goes with him hugging him the whole way then everyone falls asleep.

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