Slunper party part 4

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Normal speech: "hello"
Yelling: "HELLO"
Special move "hello"
All Might talk "hello"
This chapter was manly made by my boy @CaptainCrashbang until the time skip
P.s words that are people talking but don't have quotations assume they are thoughts
Third person POV

Brandon: Oh no this cannot be happening to me!
Brandon: I guess she hates me then, might as well get this over with. Then Brandon sighs, and walks silently to the closet and sits criss-cross, waiting.
Jiro(angrily): "ROULETTE SPIDER I SWEAR YOU DID THIS ON PURPOSE! I SHOULD KILL YOU FOR DOING THIS!" But maybe it isn't so bad, after all this will give me a chance to tell Brandon how I feel, and either way I will get to spend time with him I guess. Suddenly, Roulette Spider fades out of existence, escaping Jiro's yelling. Everyone looks at Brandon who they see is putting a card into a small box.
Jake: Oh I see what happened, Brandon didn't want Roulette Spider to get harmed so he returned it to it's card form to protect it, but what's with that box, it's definitely new. Though I wonder what's wrong normally he would be cracking jokes, or at least he would be talking, he is NEVER silent. Could it be that he think's Jiro might hate him now?
Jiro: "NOW WHAT DID YOU HAVE TO DO THAT FOR, I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF YELLING AT HIM BRANDON!" Brandon: (silence), Jiro: "FINE THEN, DON'T ANSWER ME YOU JERK! GUYS DO I REALLY HAVE TO DO THIS?!?" Class 1-A looks at each other then yell, "Of course you do Jiro, everyone of us did so you do to!" Jiro: "FINE, I guess I can do it, Hmph!" Jiro walks over to the closet and says, "I'm only doing this because everyone else says that I have too!" Brandon just shrugs in response, and turns to look in the corner. Brandon: I seriously hope that she doesn't hate me but after how I have acted today I don't think she will like me at all. WHY did I have to provoke her, how can I be such an IDIOT! Jiro is watching as Brandon is hitting his fist on his head, What is he doing? Ah, nevermind, probably nothing. Jake: "You guys ready, cause we're locking you guys in now?" Jiro: "Ready as we'll ever be." Jake: "All right then see you in seven minutes." Jake locks them in the closet but doesn't set the timer. Mina: "Why aren't you starting the timer Jake?" Jake: "Because those two will need A LOT more than 7 minutes in there. We should just leave them locked in there, if they don't tell us to pull them out in about 15 minutes then we will check what is going on in there."

*Meanwhile, in the closet with Jiro and Mr. Silent*

Jiro: "So why did you not object when the two of us were put together Brandon?"
Brandon: "mumble...mumble... mumble"
Jiro: "I may have really good ears for part of my quirk, but speak up I can't hear you over there."
Brandon, whispering: "Because I kind of wanted to be stuck with you..."
Jiro: "What did you say? I still can't hear you!"
Brandon: "BECAUSE I WANTED TO BE STUCK WITH YOU!"(starts crying a little) "Don't you get it?!? I've had a crush on you ever since I woke up! All day I have been trying to be nice to you and make you laugh, trying to see if you would notice! Why do you think when me and Jake were going to talk in my room before this you only found him? I teleported away the second I heard your voice, because I was too nervous to talk to you!"(Starts to sob) "And it seems that I'm the only one of us that likes the other, cause you seem to hate me!"
Jiro: JEEZ, I never knew that Brandon felt this way, what have I done?!? I've not only broken his heart, but I didn't even know that I was doing it! "Brandon, it's not like that at all! I thought you were just trying to annoy me, and I don't hate you, in fact it is the opposite, I've had a crush on you since I first meet you too Brandon! I love you!" Jiro then jumps over and gives Brandon a hug, and kisses him on the cheek.
Brandon: "Wait, what? You've had a crush on me this entire time? How come you haven't told me, your one of the most forward people i know when it comes to how you feel?"
Jiro: "I was scared you would reject me, after all, there is plenty of other girls in school."
Brandon: "I would never pick another girl, you're the only one I love." As he gives her a big hug back and gives her a kiss, "I promise that you are the only one for me Jiro."

*On that romantic note, let's see what is going on with the rest of the gang*

Jake: "I wonder what is going on in there, I hope everything is alright."
Todoroki: "I've been wondering the same thing, there seemed to be a lot of tension between those two."
Momo: "Yeah that is true." Could they like each other and not know how the other feels?
Deku: "Have I been the only one who has been paying attention to the time? Jake, it has been fifteen minutes already!"
Jake: "Thanks Deku, now let's see what is going on in there."
Jake unlocks the closet, and finds nothing but a single card, Dark hole.
Jake: "Brandon you sly son of a gun! Guys they're gone!"

-Time skip by everyone searching-

Jake looks around and notices someone else is missing.
Jake: "Where is Merzon I get he might be mad at me for punching him but come on?"
Jakes phone goes off he realizes it's a text Brandon. Everyone crowds around to see what it says
Brandon on the phone: "Lol you all like idiots looking for me as where we went we went to the movies also look behind you."
Jake turns around and Brandon goes boo.
Jake: "I should punch you for doing that."
Brandon: "But you won't."
Rest of the class: "He didn't say anything about us."
Brandon: "Don't make me bring out Exodia."
Class 1-A: "And that's bad because."
Brandon: "I can still threaten though."
Class 1-A: "Still in the dark here."
Jake: "To be perfectly honest Exodia is the forbidden one he could possibly fight All Might and obliterate him."
The rest of the class makes a mental note to run of they hear Exodia.
Jake: "All that aside do you know where Merzon went?"
Brandon: "I know but you will never know as I promised not to tell."

Meanwhile with Merzon who appears to be on a date.

Merzon: "My day has been crazy with my friends and classmates all playing seven minutes in heaven or in one or two cases hell."
His girlfriend named Yu Takeyama sits there sighing at that.
Yu: "I'm happy I got time off from being a pro to go out with you."
Merzon's phone goes off 18 times from the rest of the class asking where he was then one more comes with Brandon saying your secret is safe with me. Merzon sighs at this and turns his phone off.
Yu: "Your phone just exploded was that something important."
Merzon: "Nope That was a bunch of overreacting people."
That they continue their date eventually ending with a kiss goodbye.

Back with the others who have returned to the mansion.

Jake: "Well I don't know about the rest of you but I vote for bed time."
Has he crashes face first on top a pillow on the couch falling asleep instantly.
Class 1-A besides Brandon: "Well that was fast even for him but sounds good."
Everyone then goes to their own rooms or to their girlfriend/boyfriend room except Tsu who joins Jake on the couch. Merzon sneaks in and goes to his room to also sleep.

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