Slumber party part 2

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Normal speech: "hello"
Yelling: 'hello'
Special move "hello"
All Might talk "hello"

Third person POV

Jake is the first to arrive to the mansion and decides to talk to Brandon.
Jake: "Hey Brandon we should talk get caught up and talk about recent events."
Brandon: "Sure let's go to my place to talk HEY MOMO I'M GOING TO TALK TO JAKE ABOUT THINGS SO WE WILL BE BACK."
Jake: "Damn that's rough."
Brandon: "She won't do it she loves me."
Brandon: "Wait I know that oh it's Jiro well I'm going to my room now."
He then uses dark hole and teleports away.
Jake: "Wait now just wait one minute here did he just leave me to two angry woman?"
He then turns around and see's pure evil Momo and Jiro glaring at him.
Jake: "If you promise not to hurt me I'll get him."
As he finishes he also teleports away Jake then fell for what felt like 30 minutes when it was actually like five seconds as his body contort's and twisted.
Jake: 'You know when you use what's basically a black hole to teleport what did you expect.'
He then appears on the floor next to Brandon.
Brandon: "So how was your trip?"
Jake: "I'm going to kill you for that."
Brandon: "What you didn't realize the card I slipped into your pocket?"
They then both laugh for a few seconds before getting serious.
Brandon: "So Jake who do you like in the class?"'so I can torture you later.'
Jake: "I don't trust this one bit but if it's anyone Asui."
Brandon: "Oh you like the frog chick cool."
Jake: "I bet you like Jiro."
Brandon: "How how did you know?"
Jake: "Did you forget the main reason you jetted was cause of her!"
Brandon: "N-NANI?"
Jake: "All that stuff aside, everyone knows who I am now."
Brandon: "Yeah that's not to good."
Jake: "And another thing how in the world did Starving get out of its card?"
Brandon: "When I get angry it tends to do that."
Jake: "Well stop getting angry! Then you might scare away Jiro."
Brandon goes into internal monologue about how disastrous that would be while Jake is laughing his butt off.

-time skip by five minutes-

Brandon's phone goes off and he checks it.
Brandon: "Well we are the last ones to get there."
Then Brandon grabs Jakes collar teleporting then to the living room with Jake yelling oh no not again. Brandon and Jake appear in the living room scaring everybody cause of course it was in the middle of the room where everyone was talking. Jake also fell to the floor and proceeds to run to nearest trash can to vomit.
Brandon: smugly says :"What can't handle a bit of teleporting and here I thought you were the strong one."
Jake: "I've teleported before that THAT is NOT teleporting going trough a black hole is dangerous stop that."
Brandon: "Teleporting going trough rifts in space and time same thing."
It was at this moment Jake and Brandon remember where they are. Kirishima saying what everyone else is thinking: "You guys done yet."
Brandon/Jake: "Only if you want us to be."
Rest of class 1-A besides Merzon: "How in tune are these two."Merzon joins:"And of course we want you to be done."
Brandon/Jake: "Says the 20 people to two."
No one tried to argue with them after that funny how that works isn't it. About twenty minutes later the door bell goes off.
Jake: "I know this party was missing one thing explosions."
Everyone says: "No not Bakugo."
Jake: "Come on He here which means he cares somewhat so if we lay ground rules first things will be fine."then whispers"Hopefully."
Brandon teleports to the door then everyone laughs remembering their fantastic entrance. Brandon opens the door saying to Bakugo
Brandon: "Here are some ground rules for you to enter, rule one no explosions inside that house."
Bakugo: "No s**t Sherlock."
Brandon: "rule two no murdering anyone especially Deku, rule three be nice or your be taking a swim in lava."
Bakugo: "Geez your just like my mom she said the same thing before I left after she was surprised I was going to went out to be social with my classmates."
Meanwhile with Jake, Merzon and the rest of class 1-A
Jake goes to the bathroom and starts vomiting again
Deku: "Are you alright?"
Jake: "I'm fine it just that I felt Bakugo not be condescending on us for once."
Everyone become shocked at this but.
Mineta: "How do we know that for sure you could be pulling our legs."
Merzon: "One time a bully at elementary school went and made fun of me Jake had predicted what happened to him he fell down two flights of stairs."
Everyone makes a mental note to be careful around Jake and Friends. Brandon and Bakugo walk in.
Brandon: "The final rule no taking snacks from the snack bar till Momo or I say so."then yells:"THAT MEANS YOU MERZON."
Everyone hears an eep and the dropping of snacks. Everyone then yells: "WAIT THERE IS A SNACK BAR."
Brandon: "No I said that for fun of course there is a snack bar we prepared for this you know."
Merzon then comes out with dog food. Everyone just looks at him.
Merzon: "You people don't really think I eat dog food do you."
Bakugo: whispers "It may have crossed my mind."
Everyone then heard a bark as loud as Mic sensei then the black and white wolf Xavier walks around the corner everyone just looks at the wolf look at Merzon back to the wolf to see Jake already their petting it. Everyone hears a loud clang as a spiked steel cage goes over the snack bar which Jake stiffens at the sound of.
Brandon: "Just in case you get any funny ideas."
He then touches a card to Jake then on the cage lighting and fire go around it.
Brandon: "Extra precaution for those of you who might try to break it."
Everyone sits in a circle and starts to talk about one another.

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