Slumper party finale

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Normal speech: "hello"
Yelling: "HELLO"
Special move "hello"
All Might talk "hello"

-Time skip four unimportant days later-

Brandon walks out of his room with an electric guitar but looks back to make sure Jiro has her earplugs in then start to play but the sound is heard across the mansion everyone but Jiro is waken up.
Everyone but Jake and Tsu arrive in the living room but then everyone hears explosions and Tsu yelling.
Jake then kicks open the door his hair a mess and bags under his eyes.
Jake: "So who's idea was it to f***ing wake up five in the f***ing morning?"
Everyone terrified points at Brandon.
Brandon: "So you appear to have gotten a lot of sleep anyway it's the last day might as well have an early start."
Jake: "Oh yes perfect I have great place for you to go."
Brandon: "Yeah me too my happy place?"
Jake lets out an evil smirk and throws Brandon Into a portal as it closes.
Jake: "No the void is a much better place for you."
Tsu then begins to tell Jake to bring Brandin back but Jake appears to be in a daze then suddenly a tear appears in the wall revealing pure darkness.
Tsu: "Everyone behind Jake."
Then a purple and black dragon flying out of it and it closes.
Momo: "Isn't That Brandon's dragon?"
Brandon: "That and me."
Everyone expected Jake to say something but his eyes are glazed over with a tint of purple.
Tsu: "Brandon what's wrong with my boyfriend?"
Brandon/Dark Rebellion: "One moment."
Brandon flys over and says.
Brandon: "I'm going to need some of you to back up especially you Tsu I may never have tried this before so let's see if this works."
Tsu starts to say wait a minute but.
Momo: "What's That supposed to do?"
Brandon: "It takes power from him and gives it to me.
Slowly Jake's go back to normal and he looks around.
Jake: "What how did I get here?"
Everyone scream: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW?"
Jake: "Oh yes I remember perfectly what happened that's why I was asking thanks guys."
Brandon defuses with Dark Rebellion and collapses on the the floor.
Deku: "Did he just a coma again?"
Jake kicks Brandon but he doesn't react so Jake said yes.
Brandon: "Your a dumba**."
He then falls asleep with Jake shaking him saying he know it was Brandon who got him so he doesn't get to sleep. But it doesn't work and tries to get Jiro but notices that Jiro isn't here.
Jake: "Wait where is Jiro he doesn't go anywhere without her now?"
They all look into Brandon/Jiros room to see her asleep with earplugs.
Shoto: "So that's why she didn't wake she's got those in did he put them their or did she already know?"
Momo walks up to her and shakes her awake Jiro wakes up.
Jiro: "What is going on wait what's in my ears where's Brandon did he goof up somehow?"
Jake: "Well he's not waking up but the thing is I also don't know what happened everyone is saying I did something but I can't remember anything beside waking up."
Jiro walks over to Brandon and smacks him saying wake up it's not funny, but his head shots up with red glowing eyes.
Brandon: but a little a little dangerous " Oh the fun is only beginning."
Jake runs over yelling oh heck no and kicks Brandon's head.
Jake: "Glowy red eyes mean big boy Zarc is not pleased."
Everyone: "That was a good idea to stop it then."

-Time skip to Brandon waking up(I think?)-
Brandon sits up: "Why am I hear why am I in hero mode and why is my head killing me?"
He hears from the kitchen.
Jake: "I didn't do it."
Brandon: "Your always doing something whether it's sending me to the Void or giving me headaches."
Everyone and Jiro: "WHY DID YOU SEND HIM TO THE VOID?"
Brandon: "I was passed out."
Jake: "And that's not my fault Zarc decide he wanted to have some fun."
Brandon: "Wait What how did he get out I have him locked up."
Jake: "Well obviously not well enough."
Brandon starts to run to the door but Jiro stops him asking where he thinks he's going.
Brandon: "To get away from you guys to make sure your safe."
Jake from across the room: "I'll kick Zarc's butt if he shows up so you don't have to deal with him."
Brandon tries to make an excuse to get out but looks in Jiros eyes and sees she won't back down gives in then after taking some pain relievers says: "Well why not continue with my plan for the day?"
Jiro: "And What was that plan?"
Brandon: "We are going to the beach and your welcome for me getting rid of the pruvs the first night."
Everyone agrees but then Jake says just one thing.
Jake: "I don't think I packed a bathing suit though."
Brandon: "Then you can borrow one of mine."
Jake: "Yeah no I'm going to go make one."
Brandon: "Want me to just teleport your stuff here?"
Jake: "First off all that's creepy second off all even if you did I don't have any and third off all that's not teleporting."
Jake then leaves so he doesn't have argue with Brandon for the ten thousandth time.
Some others notice they didn't either and go ask Jake to make them one everyone goes with because they want to see how he would make a bathing suit, they get to the door of his room and knock it opens to him already wearing it.
Deku: "How in the world did you make that so fast?"
Jake: "Cause I'm that cool."
Tsu, Deku, Tokoyami, Uraraka, and Mina ask Jake if he can make them a suit too.
Jake opens the door wider and guides them in and asks what color and kind they want.
Tsu: "I want a green and white full bathing suit.
Jake nods and closes his eyes and concentrates he lifts up his hands and the material forms around him and starts to fuse together after the shape is made he adds the color making a nice suit for Tsu.

-Time skip to the beach-

The group arrived at the beach via personal dragons Brandon using his and Jake turning into one Merzon however ran and picked up his girl and ran to the beach.(He was running at like 200 mph)
They all started to get settled they also realize they don't have towels so Brandon teleports some from the mansion but some people didn't like the colors so they ask Jake to change them.
While the group was enjoying their time at the beach a commotion starts on the other side of the beach but the group of teen remains oblivious until it gets to where they are.
A robot makes its way to the group but only Merzon Jake and Brandon notice it when the robot goes to punch the tree they all turn and punch it their fists clash and the three teens not expecting its power go flying.
The rest of the group catches them and Yu steps up with the other three to fight it Brandon's also annoyed.
Brandon: "I've had enough of this bull crap villain stuff and robots lets go dragons merge Extreme King Zarc!"
Yu leaning towards Merzon: "Is that normal?"
Merzon: "What the dragon or him doing crap like this for the latter no not really but for the dragon he only does it when he's really angry."
She nods her head then the robot jumps up and smacks Brandon out of the air and once the smoke disappears he is lying on the ground head bleeding and unconscious while looking at this the robot seeing its change places a power amplifier on its arm and punches Jake out into the sea, everyone expects him to ride out and beat the thing but

All they see

Is blood coming to the surface of the water. Tsu screams and try's to go into the ocean but is stopped by the robot fighting the rest of the class Yu turns into a giant and try's to squash the robot but ends up being thrown the robot began to fight all the class Bakugo tried to explode the thing but his explosions just bounce off its armor everyone tries something but all of it not working Tsu looks out to the ocean hoping to see Jake but what she sees is a giant monster.

She then pokes Momo next to her to get her attention Momo turns and looks at Tsu who points to the hydra when Momo looks she screams and everyone looks to see the hydra come out of the water and destroy the robot with water moving faster then the ...

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She then pokes Momo next to her to get her attention Momo turns and looks at Tsu who points to the hydra when Momo looks she screams and everyone looks to see the hydra come out of the water and destroy the robot with water moving faster then the speed of sound the class looks up to the hydra in horror as they think it's going to kill them but it shrinks back down to Jake who has a massive gash on his face he looks at everyone and gives thumbs up he then glows green and the gash is gone.
Jake: "So what did I miss?"
Tsu runs over and kisses him worried that he had died after they separate Tsu punches the top of his head.
Tsu: "That was for worrying me."
Jake: "So we should probably get Brandon to the hospital."
Jiro: "Can't you do the same thing for him you did to your self?"
Jake: "No the thing I did is a once a day thing it I use it again one of my limbs or organs can be lost as a price for my quirk."
Everyone nods and brings Brandon to the hospital while Tsu makes a mental note to learn more about Jake's quirk.
After Brandon is banged up and awake again everyone goes home and heading to bed thinking of what is going to happen at school tomorrow.

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