Chapter One

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Emily Prentiss groaned as she unlocked her best friend and supervisors apartment, she threw herself on the couch and took off her heels.

"Emily?" A deep voice came from the hallway. She looked that way, her best friend is standing there covered in water with soap on his hands.

She sniffled. "I'm sorry. I just needed to get away."

He went over to her and wrapped a arm around her causing him to get a little wet, since it is raining out. She put her head on his shoulder.

"You still have clothes here."

She got up and went to his room where she always keeps some clothes, work appropriate and casual. She went back out to the living room and flopped back onto the couch, a few minutes later a little boy came running out naked, he about flew onto the couch and tried to hide himself from his father.

"Emmy, hide me!" The seven year old exclaimed. She laughed.

"Jack, get back here." His father said loudly. The little boy just laughed and dug himself further into Emily's side.

"I want Emmy to give me my bath."

Aaron looked at Emily desperately. "Okay, come on." The pair did this often, ever since Haley died Hotch had gotten closer to Emily until they had become best friends, Emily would come to his house and help him take care of Jack. Sometimes the seven year old just wanted Daddy, and sometimes he just wanted Emmy.

She grabbed his hand and followed the naked boy to the bathroom where there was a bath filled with bubbles and water. "Let's get you clean."

"Emmy?" Jack caught her attention while he played with a boat.


"Do you like Daddy?"

"Yeah I like him very much." She said, not knowing where the conversation is about to head.

"Do you love him?" Emily thought about this question for a hot minute. She had always like Aaron Hotchner, more recently her feelings have been getting stronger for him. Feelings that can only be described as love.

"Yeah, I guess I do."

"I want a brother!"

Emily about choked at this. "W-what?"

"My friend says that he gets a brother because his mommy and daddy love each other. But I don't have a mommy anymore."

"Jack, you will always have a mommy."

"But she's not here anymore."

"She will always love you, and I know that you will always love her."

"I love you, Emmy."

"I love you too, Jack." Emily started. "Okay all clean." Jack pulled the plug and got out of the tub. She wrapped a towel around him and followed him to his bedroom, he picked out his pajamas so Emily could get him dressed.

Out in the apartment living room Aaron Hotchner waited for his son and best friend to return. A few seconds after a door shut Jack Hotchner jumped on his father.

"Oof." The older man grunted as the energetic seven year old flew onto his father's lap.

"I'm all clean Daddy!" Jack exclaimed.

"Yeah! You sure are." Hotch started, he looked over to his female friend whose shirt was completely wet in the front. "It looks like you got Emily wet too." Jack just giggled.

"It's fine." The raven haired female replied.

"You favorite shirt of mine is clean, you can go get it."

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