Chapter Four

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"Hey." Emily Prentiss greeted Aaron Hotchner when he showed up to her apartment door. Emily just got released from the hospital a few days ago and she has been cleared for desk duty, so she is staying back with Garcia, they have been hiding their relationship from the team.

"Good morning beautiful." He said as she leaned in for a kiss, she grabbed her purse and grabbed his hand, once they got out to the hall one of Emily's neighbors opened her door and stepped out.

"Good morning Aaron and Emily."

"Morning Mrs. Hal."

"Off to work?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Well, you two stay safe. I don't want to hear you got hurt again."

"We will."

They left the building, and drove to work together, which wasn't uncommon for them to do, ever since they had become closer as friends they did carpool. Once they got to the office they stayed in the car for a few minutes before getting out and heading in.

"I'll get the coffee." She said when they walked past her desk. She dropped off her stuff and went back to the kitchen area, she got Hotch some coffee and herself some tea since she can't have coffee yet because her brain is technically still healing from the surgery. "Here you go."

"Thanks." He said taking the cup from her, "is anyone else here?"

"No, we are the only ones." She said moving closer to him. He looked up at her and smiled, standing up and moving close to her. He pulled her in as close as she could get and connected their lips, even though his office has cameras, no one checks them unless there is an emergency.

"No way." Penelope Garcia gasped when he seen what was playing on her computer screens. She had gotten there pretty early and wanted to snoop around so she turned on the cameras in her boss's office.

Hotch looked out his window sitting on his couch with Emily next to him, just talking and rubbing her leg. "Morgan's here."

"I should get down there then." She stood up.

"Hey Emily."


"I love you."

"I love you too." She said before walking down to meet Morgan.

"You getting down and dirty with Hotch up there?" Morgan asked as soon as she sat down at her desk.

"What?" She laughed out.

"Come on," Morgan stated, "you don't see it."

"See what?"

"That Hotch is in love with you."

"No he's not."

"Yeah, just keep believing yourself."

After hours of work it was time for lunch. Emily got up from her desk, grabbing her purse and went up to JJ's office, grabbing her before moving on to he bright and bubbly friend.

"Pen, it's lunch time." Penelope jumped up and followed the other two women out of her lair and to the nearest cafe where they each got a salad, Emily got some coffee for Hotch. By the time they got back to the office it was an hour later, the first thing Emily did was put her purse back on her desk, grabbed a few files and went up to Hotch's office, she closed the door when she got into his office.

"Hey." Hotch said looking up from his paperwork.

"I got you some coffee." She put the files on his already big pile when he wasn't looking.

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