Chapter Twelve

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"I do."

"Do you Jennifer, take Spencer Reid, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"You may now kiss your bride." Spencer pulled JJ close to him by her waist and smashed their lips together. Once they pulled apart, JJ smiled as they intertwined their hands and looked out at all their family and friends. He put his hand on her seven-month pregnant belly.

"I now pronounce Mr. and Mrs. Reid " The preacher pronounced. JJ and Spencer walked down the aisle.


"Spencer Reid, you better get here soon!" JJ yelled into her phone. Her fiance is with the team minus Emily, who was also on maternity leave.

"I will Baby."

"If you don't I swear to god. There will be no more babies after this one." She said into the phone before hanging up.

"Reid isn't going to be here?" Emily said from the chair by JJ's hospital bed. JJ was hooked up to all kinds of wires, IV, fetal monitor, heart monitor, all kinds of things.

"He better be."

"Aaron said that there is a storm coming and the flight got delayed. But they should be here soon, he said that Reid got in a car and started driving after he got off the phone with you."

"I still can't get used to the fact that we are all dating each other. I mean we are pregnant and Pen said that she is trying to get pregnant."

"I just want this baby out of me."

"I bet." JJ said, a contraction hit her at that moment, she gripped her belly and grunted. "This hurts like hell."

"Do we need to get the doctor?" Emily asked rubbing her belly. Another contraction hit when JJ was about to answer her friend, she nodded and gripped onto her bulging belly. "I'll be right back."

Emily left the room but came back with a redhead in a white coat. "Hello Mrs. Reid, I'm Dr. Montgomery."

"JJ. Everyone calls me JJ."

"Okay JJ lets see how dilated you are." Dr. Montgomery said sitting on a stool and putting her hands under the cloth that is covering JJ's lower half. "Okay, you are ready to push." Right as she said that the door opened and Reid ran in, Emily saw this and left the room.

"Is she ready?" He said closing the door.

"Yes, you might want to get over here." Dr. Montgomery said. "I need you to push the next time a contraction hits."

"Which would be now." JJ started to push and groaning because of the pain.

"You're doing great Jenn." Reid said once she finished pushing.

"Yeah, I bet I am. Cause this looks so easy huh?" JJ yelled at him.

"Push." JJ pushed again and the sound of crying filled the room. Dr. Montgomery cut the cord and brought the baby over to be cleaned off, she brought the baby over to the new parents.

"You have a healthy baby boy."

"He's perfect." Reid said touching the little boy.

"He is our perfect little boy." JJ said.

"I left. Reid had gotten here." Emily said into the phone with her boyfriend of just under two years.

"I'm sorry I'm not there Emily."

"I know you are." She said sitting in a chair.

"I love you, you know that right?"

"I know that. I love you too." He could tell that she was smiling, even through the phone.

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