Chapter Eight

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"Emily, what's wrong?"

"You know what's wrong." Emily snapped at Hotch when he grabbed her hand.

"There's nothing that we could have done."

"If the Dean let us investigate earlier then she wouldn't be in a coma right now."

"I know." Hotch pulled Emily as close as he could since they were on a couch.


"NO!" Emily shot up screaming.

"Emily?" Hotch asked when he fell off the bed from her screaming.

"I'm sorry." She apologized as Hotch got back into bed.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really," She looked over at her boyfriend of a few months now, "but I know I'm going to blow up tomorrow if I don't." She sat up and leaned against his side resting her head on his shoulder.

"What happened?"


"What about her?"

"Something happened to her?"

"She got abducted by her stalker and we still don't know who it is." Emily cried out. She had grown fond of Harlow, the time that Emily and Hotch have been here Emily saw Harlow as a friend. Once Harlow had been abducted the Dean let them call in their team and investigate her disappearance.

Hotch pulled her close to her and started to kiss her head moving his way down to her lips, he could taste her tears. He pulled away and wiped her tear away.

"It'll be okay, we'll find her."

"Before it's to late?"

"We will try," Hotch kissed Emily again, "go back to sleep sweetheart."

"I don't know if I can Aaron."

"Emily. I like Harlow too but we won't be able to focus tomorrow when the team comes if we don't sleep."

"Fine, I'll try." Hotch laid back down pulling her back against his chest. She still couldn't fall asleep for another few hours.

Hotch slammed the alarm set for six-thirty when it started to beep, he got up and found that Emily was already in the shower so he just changed in the room. Once she got out she immediately went for her makeup bag, ignoring Hotch.

He went up behind her as she put on some concealer, he bent down and started kissing her neck.

"Aaron, stop."

"You okay?" He said sitting down next to her.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Emily." He said placing his hand on her knee. She finished her makeup and stood up, she went to grab her phone and bag before the pair left the hotel room for the day.


"Maybe this guy seen her in class?" JJ threw out.

"Nobody paid much attention to her in class." Emily said thinking back to the last few days of the teachings. They still had a week left.

"Where did she sit?" Derek asked the pair

"In the front, closest to us."

"What about the dorms?"

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