Chapter Two

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The next day at the BAU, Emily avoided Hotch as best he could. That is before he called her to his office.

"What do you want?"

"Shut the door, Emily." She did as told. "Why aren't you talking to me today?"

"You know why." His face went blank, she waited for a second, hoping he would catch on. Nothing. "You don't remember?"

"Emily, I've been buried in work today. I don't remember what I had for dinner last night."

It wasn't uncommon for the team members to forget things, especially if they've had a long day and Emily knows that. Still it hurts when he doesn't remember something as big as him kissing her.

"Damnit Aaron." She said. She sat on the chair on the opposite side of the room that his desk is at and covered her face with her hands. He got up and sat next to her, he tried to uncover her face but she wouldn't let him. "How could you forget something like that?"

"Like what?"

"Nothing. Did you need anything else?" Emily asked him standing up.

"What happened?" Aaron sat in confusion as Emily walked out of his office. Aaron went back to his desk as JJ walked in with a case file. "Where?"


"Let's go."

"So we have a serial killer in LA, California." JJ started as soon as everyone sat down, Emily sat opposite of Aaron, unlike every other meeting.

"He kills dark haired women." Emily said, "Along with brown eyes." she finished her statement and Aaron suddenly felt worried for her safety,

"A very specific type." Spencer Reid said, holding up the file.

"Wheels up in twenty." Hotch said standing up.

Emily went to the bullpen and grabbed her bag out from under her desk. She looked up to Aaron's office, he looked down towards her as he walked out of the office, holding his go bag at his side. He walked past her as she stayed in her place.

"You coming Emily?" He asked her, She snapped back to reality, following him, he reached over and took her bag.

Everyone one in the office knows that they are good friends so no one was surprised when they did stuff like that. A few team member of the B-team even had bets going of how long it would be until they get together, even if it's against the rules to date co-workers.

They were the first ones on the jet, as everyone else probably went to get a coffee first. Emily sat down at the table after grabbing a cup of coffee, she opened the case file and started to look over it again. Aaron followed her and sat down next to her at the table.

"Emily what happened last night? You're really upset over what happened." Aaron asked, turning towards the raven haired beauty that was sitting next to him.

"I'm not upset over what happened, I'm upset that you don't remember." She responded looking at him.

"What happened?" Aaron asked again as Emily turned back towards the file.

JJ walked onto the jet next and sat on the couch that's like five feet from the pair. "We'll talk later tonight. At the hotel." She said as Derek Morgan, David Rossi and Spencer Reid walked in and sat down.

"Okay let's get started." Rossi said.

"Dark haired, Brown eyes. High power position." JJ stated, "all of the victims worked in or around government, police officers, lawyers, even the major."

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