Chapter Five

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"That's all for today." The professor said when she stood in front of Emily and Hotch. The students got up and walked away, except for one.


"Yes?" Emily responded turning towards the young women.

"Is there any internships at the BAU coming up?"

"I'm not sure but if you want you can call our techie," Hotch grabbed a card and started writing something on it, "here's her number, give her a call and she can find out for you."

"Thank you."

"No problem. See you tomorrow." She started to walk away as the two Agents walked the other way, Hotch turned and caught up to the young student.

"Agent Hotchner?" She asked in surprise, "Something I can help you with?"

"Can you tell me how to get to Spencer?"

"Yeah, of course." She started " You turn right onto East Jefferson Street, then follow that to Division Street which you turn right onto then turn left onto East Liberty Street and follow that down to Spencer"

"Thank you."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Is this for Agent Prentiss?"

"You're smart. Yes, it is."

"She'll love it."

"I hope so." They both went in their own directions, Hotch catching up to Emily who was outside the classroom. 

"What was that?"

"Nothing," Hotch said grabbing her hand and leading her to the shared SUV, "let's go eat."


"I found this place online, it's called Spencer."

They both got into the car, Emily grabbed his hand when they drove out of the parking lot. He started going towards the first turn. The pair was silent for the whole ride just listening to the radio and holding hands, Emily kept glancing over to Hotch as he drove. Once they got to the restaurant, Hotch went over to Emily's side and helped her get out.

"What's this for?"

"I can't spoil you?"

"With our jobs?"

"Our jobs are filled with gore and awful things every day. I just thought that we need a break from that." Hotch said when they got into the building.

"Table for two?" A women asked when they reached her.

"Yes please." Hotch said. The women lead them to a back table that already has cutlery and a bottle of wine put out for them, she smiled at him when he squeezed her hand.

"Is this a good table for you two?"

"Yes it is. Thank you." The waitress walked away and the pair sat down.

"Do you like it?" Hotch asked her nervously, he had never done this before. Not even with Haley.

"I love it." She said as she handed him a menu, he smiled at her and she smiled back.

"That was wonderful." Emily said as Hotch opened her door two hours later, they walked up to their shared hotel room.

"I hope so." He said as he unlocked the door, Emily stumbled into his side when she caught her foot on the carpet. "Woah, you okay?"

"Yeah, I just tripped over something." The two walked into the room, he put his hand on her lower back and led her to the bedroom area of the room.

"You're clumsy." He said placing his other hand on her lower back.

"Shut up." She said when he pulled her close to him.

"Gladly." He connected their lips and pushed her back until she hit the edge of the bed.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Aaron?" She asked pulling away.

"Am I sure?"


"Emily, I love you and I want us to take the next step but if your not ready then we can stop." He said looking into her eyes.

"Don't stop." She smiled up at him and connected their lips again pulling him on top of her.


Emily rolled off of Hotch and laughed. "That was..."

"Amazing." He finished for her, they both laughed.

"I love you." Emily said curling herself into Aaron's side.

"I love you too." Hotch responded kissing her forehead.

They both fell asleep soon after.

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